why are there SO MANY superhero fan films?

Published 2024-05-23
Superhero fan films are EVERYWHERE nowadays. Some have been disappointing (cough, cough, Spider-Man: Lotus), others, like "Logan The Wolf (A Wolverine Fan Film)" By Godefroy Ryckewaert, have been incredibly impressive.

This video essay discusses what makes these films so common, and how it might be connected to the downfall of the MCU and Tom Holland's Spider-Man.

#ryanreynolds #fanfilm #wolverine #hughjackman

All Comments (21)
  • @Loki6781
    I didn’t even watch the video yet, but I’m gonna say the reason why there’s so many fan films. Because these stupid big price studios don’t care for the product they only care for the money and there’s plenty of people out there who are willing to put up the money because they care for the product. Simple, simple, and straight.
  • I am A Upcoming Filmmaker who is currently making fan films.I Think the reason why fan films are becoming more common is because it seems fans see that the passion isn't there for big studio films and it seems that the studio doesn't understand the character so the fans make the films that fans like them want to see and the films that the big studios won't make
  • The biggest reason I think is cause many talented ans aspiring people love these characters and want to share their ideas and love with everyone. It's of genuine passion and care for what makes them happy. I always wanted to make spiderman fan films with alterations to his villains. Uncle Ben's Killer would be Herman Schultz before he became Shocker to make him a more personal enemy. Instead of a straight up villain, Electro would try to be a superhero and be spidermans sidekick with him but his mental instability causes him to snap and go full villain. Chameleon would be able to mimic anyone including women and be genderless in his true form. When he impersonates mary jane and spidey has to choose who the real one is, MJ would say "Tiger" and Peter would automatically know that's the real MJ as she's the only one who ever calls him that. Morbius would be a scientific rival to Dr Connors and believe bats are the key to human evolution instead of lizards
  • @Deni_Sokolovic
    Here is a better question. Why are there suddenly so many fan film?
  • @ImMarcusLive
    im one of the people you were talking about in the beginning im planning to make a fan flim this summer ive been trying to for 2 years now hopefully this year i can and this was an amazing video💯
  • The Galvatron Revenge deal was insane, leting aside the controversy surrounding its cast, THE FACT THAT THE MOVE HAS BEEN IN DEVELOPMENT HELL FOR LITERALLY 10 YEARS AT THIS POINT YET IS SHOWING NO SINGS OF BEING RELEASING SOON is insane
  • @romangalvan979
    this why is why invincible and radiant black stay winning. hell, radiant black literally has a few issues dedicated to the discourse over his own portrayal in a fan film😭
  • @2MC2L
    Glad to say I subscribed before you blew up cause this kinda content is 🔥
  • @StudiosTD
    Fantastic video! I really love ‘Logan: The wolf’ and this is a great explanation
  • And if they’re wanting to make money back for their work, indie filmmakers could always look to the superheroes of the public domain. Seriously… where’s my Golden Age Daredevil fan film? The guys almost like an Aussie precursor to Deadpool fighting Nazi monsters.
  • @thisguy1390
    Without seeing video: Because people like and have strong opinions about superhero stuff
  • @aryan7767
    also jason fan film by hitopfilms is gonan be great
  • @cc_films
    Dude, respect your opinions and love the video, subbed and looking forward to your fan film in the future
  • @aryan7767
    bro youre jacked af and more mature than me and im older than you lmao
  • @DOODLEInc22
    This is underrated, coming from another small creator
  • @Junkgunk
    I got an idea for a fan film Logan goes on a mission to find saber tooth and young kraven gets in the story
  • @cosmicblue529
    To be honest, fan films are great. Especially Spider-Man ones (not Lotus) but most are amazing! (especially stuff from Buckeye Studios, Galaroid Productions and The Lonely Spider!)
  • @HermCore
    Logan the Wolf was friggin amazing!! I never knew i wanted Wolverine as a viking. It was so well made too
  • I agree thats exactly why I like stories that diverge from the main mythos as it both gives us fresh new takes to enjoy and be fascinated by and make the multiverse more infinite in terms of possibilities. In fact a little while back I thought of two versions of Captain America for two AU’s. For the Noir Universe I would have Cap be a Super Soilder from WW1 but got a similar treatment to the more common version Cap. And if I was working on Earth 1610 I would have Made Cap a Super Soilder of Vietnam(It would certainly fit the modern and messed up tone of the universe) and Make Hydra a modern white su***misits make up of people Cap fought with but now are against him. So, on a scale of 1/10 for each, to quote the Sole Survivor “You’re thoughts ?”.