Published 2023-12-22

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Thank you greatly for watching and all of your support! May Elohim Bless You!

All Comments (21)
  • @k8o568
    Many decades ago I was told " Do not fear " is stated 365 times in the Bible. 1 time for everyday of the year! No fear. Faith. ❤ Edit: I never thought 365 "do not fear" would bring out so many corrections. It's the idea, not the mathematical correctness.
  • @EstherlovesYah
    I used to have severe anxiety and depression. I was in therapy weekly & on a myriad of medications. When the PLANdemic hit & the churches closed down, I started reading the Bible. Now the only thing I fear are the words "Depart from me, I never knew you." Thank you for what you do. God bless you and your family.
  • @leonardallen7380
    I have spent 2 weeks in the hospital because of congestive heart failure, it has drained my energy, it's a tough journey, now my life is in YAH hands my heart was shocked back to life, YAH BLESS you for sharing this important information with us
  • No matter what 2024 may bring, know that our Abba Yahuah is still in control with ALL Power in his hands. Be encourage and keep the Faith not Fear. Excellent Lesson Shabbat Shalom. One Love and Be Blessed🛐📖👑✨💙🙌🏾🙏🏾
  • I love Yah so much yo. Since 2020 it feels like he put a protective shield over me and just been guiding me down the path of my destiny. So many nights he heard me cry out to him and each time he answered me. He made sure the angels disguised as humans in my life were in my corner and always there. He took all the toxicity out of my life. He forced me to walk away from my parents wrong teachings, my friends and everyone that was leading me down the wrong path. He isolated me and taught me to cherish my solitude. He showed me how i’m not alone and can always call to him. He put so much grace over me and got me through the darkest years of my life and still continues to hold my hand and guide me through every obstacle. My faith cannot be broken at this point. He proved to me that he is here and for that I will continue to walk by faith.
  • @EvahA7
  • @dianahoward6024
    I was told in a dream “with FAITH all things are possible”. And “If you fall while you are trying to hang on, you will fall and you will die. But if you let go IN FAITH you won’t fall, you will FLY”! And I did!
  • @2008mastif
    At 61 yrs of age I'm seeing how worthless all of the (things) of this world are. I see some much fear among the people as I go about my daily walk. Those that talk tough are mains ones trembling at the thought of what's to come. The Most High has touched those that believe via his Word to be a source of strength to help us navigate these turbulent times. I applaud you for helping those of us who want to kingdom build. Because it's still all about the Most High and his will
  • @meag5956
    Immediately after watching the video, I burst into tears and they were tears of joy. What came out of my mouth was "Rejoice , rejoice people of Yah, because your redemption is drawing near." I praised the Father and asked Him to strengthen me and all those who trust in Him. I know Yah loves us very much and will never leave us. Thank you for this reminder, Ron.
  • Faith over fear... the same feeling they promoted in 2020 they will also do in 2024.. I believe this is the time that our Faith should be elevated.. learning to walk and live by Faith.. the Father hasn't given us a Spirit of Fear.. but He's given us the Spirit of LOVE, POWER, and a SOUND MIND
  • @ChristopheRobyn
    I really appreciate your videos! This is one I needed to hear. I'm a recovering addict and am developing my relationship with Yah and have been struggling with fear of forming new relationships with people and letting Yah change me into the man he wants me to be. I would be grateful for yall to pray for me. I wanna help others, but fear is getting in my way! Praise Yah!!
  • @fambertrini8032
    I used to suffer from terrible anxiety and after I began reading my scriptures and praying and talking to Yah my anxiety has disappeared. I pray everyday with my husband ,children and myself and I fear nothing anymore because I know that my Yah is with me and my family. For he said do not fear them that kill the body but fear HIM that can kill the body and the soul. Fear is of the devil and we must hold steadfast on our Yah.
  • 2024 is a scary year for people who don’t put the most high as a priority
  • @marcimccann1109
    The Holy Spirit taught me recently that walking in fear is walking in agreement with the enemy and his plans for me, which are to kill, steal and destroy. That revelation shook me to my core. I confessed my sin and repented and YAH delivered me from the fear that has controlled me. The timing of this video is YAH's timing and is a confirmation of what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me. I am so grateful for this ministry! Thank you so much for being obedient to the call YAH has on your life. You are such a blessing to so many!
  • @Qodeshi300
    It has been one full year since I found TruthUnedited… nearly one month after being baptized and giving my life to Yah. I know for a fact that my relationship with Him would not be where it is had it not been for me finding the Truth. May Yah continue to bless you, brother Ron thank you for being a vessel. I never would have thought the body would be so confused and lost. By the grace of Yah, I was seeking truth and I found it.
  • @HollerMeshocks
    These are exciting times. We are so very blessed to get to live in these times. God will provide for us no matter what the situation. We’re living in the times the disciples wanted to live in. If you’re alive in these times, it’s because you have a purpose here and now. Trust our Father Yah and His timing.
  • Ye, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me *in 2024.
  • @shawana1984
    To fear is to sin…“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love” 1 Jhn 4:18. When we walk in The Spirit and dwell in the love of YAH, there is no room for fear 🫶🏽🙏🏽 praise
  • @aetherisrael1795
    im guilty of watching too much youtube instead or reading my bible as much as id like to. But i do watch a lot of your videos and just so much on god in general and enjoy this way of learning. I personally thank you for reminding me and helping me understand gods message to us. This was the perfect msg and title and that synchronicity is not chance, Keep doing the the Lord's work brother!
  • @JoseL.238
    I used to think living in Venezuela was a curse, but now I realize that all hardships I have been through, like lack of job, lack of income, lack of proper food, lack of access to the medical system, lack of help of any kind, all of that only have made me stronger, my faith in YAH has grown stronger and my trust in men has dwingled almost to cero. People who live in wealty countries are the ones who will suffer the most when the current system goes down, because they can not even envision a life without all the comfort, the easy life and the luxuries they are so used to.