Toyota Corolla 1976年豐田四門家庭車 曾經是70年代香港人的夢想車嗎?#revchannel

Published 2024-07-12
Toyota Corolla was once the best-selling model in Hong Kong. Starting from the first generation E10 Corolla, it has been on sale in Hong Kong. In recent years, Hong Kong Toyota dealers have no longer introduced the four-door sedan version of Corolla. This time, Sir Long and Edmond Lau reunited with the third-generation Toyota Corolla E30 from the 1970s, and they were very excited. Although the version that Long Sir and Edmond tried this time was not the same model sold by Toyota in the 1970s, it was a 1,600c.c. OHV TTC-L four-cylinder engine (vehicle number TE52) equipped with lean burn technology to cope with the increasing demand in various countries. Strict exhaust emission requirements. What was sold in Hong Kong at that time was a 1,200c.c. four-cylinder engine version, which did not have such waste reduction technology. However, the chassis and body structure of this E30 Corolla are not much different from the Hong Kong version. Sir Long and Edmond Lau were even more delighted when they took the test drive. Even though it was not a Japanese JDM car like the GR Corolla, but a Japanese civilian family car from 1976, it was actually maintained like a new car, and the engine was even more energetic. In the scorching hot weather and without air-conditioning in the car, they still talked with smiles on their faces. The Toyota Corolla was once the dream family car of many Hong Kong people, representing the improvement of life and the happiness of the family. This car has been the sales champion in Hong Kong for many years. Car series, why is Corolla so cute?
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All Comments (21)
  • @adamfangTW
    每次看貴司的影片🎦都讓我好感動,我最佩服的就是不易取得的機械結構畫面,都在剪輯師傅的巧手間,融入講評人的話語間。 感謝REV Channel的用心製作,REV Channel出品,必屬佳品👍 Fan Fr. Taiwan.
  • @philipchan68
    呢架真係我初戀,90年代初喺澳洲讀書嘅第一架車,就係呢架當時接近20年嘅Corolla Coupe! 陪我溝女、返part-time直至讀完大學,非常之好揸,可靠耐用!
  • 我仲有架AE91定92既COROLLA,1991年落地,而家仲幾乎日日用。 陪我由一個人,到車上家人;由一無所有,到而家有車有樓。 有時覺得,吾理其他車幾經典,有幾有馬力,一架陪著你走過人生重要階段既車,先係車主心中的經典車。
  • @albertlee8342
  • @jamesng9831
    我在 1980 買了 COROLLA DX. I sold it when I left HK in 1992. Nice family car. No engine problem. I fixed the air conditioner once.
  • @truckM16
  • @phillau3015
    1976 Toyota Trueno GT, TE47 1588cc, 2T-GR engine, 110ps@6000rpm, 125mph Top Speed. This was the car my father had when I grew up in Hong Kong, the best childhood memories. The engine sound of the TE47 was as thrilling as the VTEC sound from Hondas.❤❤❤
  • @rockwonghk
    架車好靚, 我好鍾意依D古董昭和車既外形, 如果Toyota復刻個外形但係裡面係用現代科技出返架車, 都幾過癮
  • 好感動呀😍😍😍真係好似你地咁講,呢部車真係無數人嘅“初鏈”,我細個喺土瓜灣同何文田返學,天光道真係一大堆呢代Corolla同120Y師傅車。Edmond兄講得好好,當時買到一部車,真係代表一個家庭嘅完滿❤❤❤另外,DX我喺鰂魚涌見過一部藍色,另外慈雲山見過一部黃色。
  • @billygor775
  • @funtrain23
    我的初戀是有一天我正在幫朋友搬家,忽然看見一輛黃色的FD RX-7 開入停車場。黃色的車+閃亮的車輪,令我終身難忘。 其實在90 年代JDM在這裡非常熱,我每天走路上學,快要到學校的時候就會看到很多學生開著他們的JDM在繞圈子。
  • @cws6480
    我曾經是Corolla NZE 141的車主,雖然這架車行起上嚟有點笨重,起步比較慢,但它的確是一架非常好的家庭車,毛病少,容易維修🧰,而且可靠耐用🎉Toyota 是我最喜歡的汽車🚗品牌。我不覺得揸歐洲車才值得自豪,相反,日本車才是王道❤
  • @thooky7224
    多謝edmond同龍sir夠任性,我哋先有機會回味初戀。我年代初戀愛係nissan 130y。
  • @金毛獅皇
    龍 Sir 和Edmond好似細路仔(傾)玩具,那嗰最好玩?那嗰最心儀?眨吓眼又幾拾年啦😅😅👍👍👍👍👍👍
  • @gomme56
    1978年左右, 爸爸買咗部二手嘅74年二代COROLLA Coupe, 唔記得係SL還是SR, 每朝車我哋三兄弟返學, 架車有冷氣及安全帶(但唔同現代啲款式), 後側係雞翼窗, 車身線條修長好靚, 當時街上都是四門版本為主, 所以覺得爸爸架車好特别! 可惜1983年爸爸中風後沒再揸車, 架Corolla Coupe就俾咗親戚, 所以好懷念.
  • @octaviolin1511
  • @tonyfung2566
    真係好開心,貴台可以試到70 年代Corolla 學生回憶返晒嚟。 我仲好其待睇到試Dx, 因當年我有朋友考到牌後就買咗架DX,我地成班fd 成日遊車河😂諗起都開心❤