This Disease Turned 5 Million People Into Statues, And Then Vanished

Published 2024-04-01
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A mysterious disease swept the world in the early 1920s that put people into catatonic states; stiff and immovable like human statues. It was called encephalitis lethargica and it affected over 5 million people worldwide, and then was almost forgotten.

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LINKS LINKS LINKS….………………………………

0:00 - Intro
2:40 - What Is Encephalitis Lethargica?
6:36 - Parkinsonism
8:07 - Dr. Oliver Sacks
11:59: What Causes E.L?
18:07 - Sponsor - Fac

All Comments (21)
  • @hootinouts
    It is always disturbing when science cannot establish any answers to a disease that is still around.
  • @DangerAmbrose
    My great great grandfather died of this in 1921. It was thought that he contracted a virus from mosquitos that caused sleeping sickness.
  • @mimic1176
    A friend of my daughter is still suffering from long covid after 2 years. It took the form of muteness - the friend can only speak in a whisper, WHEN she can speak at all. At first doctors said it was psychosomatic, but recently she discovered that when she eats REALLY spicy food, she can speak for 24 hours! Naturally none of her doctors are the least bit interested in looking into it, but at least she's found a workaround. For now.
  • @katymitchell8200
    I'm flabbergasted by your information. I'm a retired RN after 30 years in ICU, ER, and psychiatric care. You speak like you have a larger understanding of medicine. Do you have a medical degree? If you don't, you have a wonderful talent for research. Thank you for this information. You have a great speaking voice and easy to listen to.
  • I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the early 90s after a significant illness. The doctors told me that was what I had was called but also told 'no one really thinks that's real illness' and I would just have to 'take it easy and see what happened'. I have experienced many bouts of Catatonia since I was 14. Took me a few decades of worsening health and being near to death to better understand the underlying causes for my ongoing illness. It is so strange to hear of so many experiencing something similar after covid. It is very hard to see that the medical system still struggling to help people.
  • @arbuz_kawon
    > turns 5 million people into statues > refuses to elaborate > leaves
  • @CeleWolf
    You talk about long covid but people forget that M.E and Fibromyalgia have been around for a long time and the symptoms are made to sound far far more trivial than they are. Those of us in those communities are hoping that long covid helps research into M.E, CFS, Fibromyalgia for once. We have been here suffering and are still here suffering.
  • I don't normally comment on stuff like this, and I don't know if anyone will see it, but my Grandma's mother passed away when my Grandma was 3 years old in 1921. All she was told her entire life was that her mother had the sleeping disease and died from it. No one explained what it was or what it did, and because of her age she didn't even remember her mother much. In fact, her dad's mother raised her and her sister, which her sister was 10 years older, but she wouldn't tell Grandma anything other than it was the sleeping disease. I imagine the adults back then did not talk about stuff like that with their children. I don't know if it's the same thing, but it is around the same timeline. Now, my Great Grandma was from Germany and her family came over before WW1, but she had family that did live in New York. And the one thing that my Grandma did remember was that when her mom passed away, her mom's sister and mother came to visit, and her Grandmother only spoke German, and Grandma couldn't understand her. This was the only time that my Grandma met her mom's sister and mother. Also, there is a picture of her mother with her older sister, who at that time was between 2 to 3 years old, and she looks fine and even slightly smiling. So, no one in the family knows when the sleeping disease started, or at least my Grandma and her sister were never told. But as far as we know, no one else in the family has ever had it. So, I don't know if it's the same thing or not. But it would explain why her dad and his mother called it the sleeping disease and why her mother passed away in 1921.
  • I am 29, just diagnosed with Parkinson’s*. I started carbidopa-levodopa in December. I am so thankful for the neurologists that have helped me, I was in a wheelchair for 3y and have just started walking with crutches again. I was bed bound and now I’m back to playing music and “being a person”. There’s no words for how absolutely life changing the right medication has been. While my symptoms are permanent they’re at least not progressing as severely and I am so so thankful. *datScan may distinguish EOPD vs. PS vs. VE(L) just in case, I do it next week. Humourously my neuro told me to watch Awakenings because the case was so similar. Everything Sacks said was true of me… and now I’m doing everything I did in high school it’s wild.
  • @trishayamada807
    My mom had long covid. She now, can’t walk without a walker, she has a shake to her hands and head and loss of balance. The neurologist said the virus attacked the little hairs in your ear that helps you balance. I feel bad that her last years of life were made worse. Everyone gets old, but she went from an active elderly person, to hospitalized, the in a rehab center and now home and I take care of her.
  • @raindancer6111
    My uncle got this as a child. He was "frozen" periodically. He was somewhat disabled when awake, he could walk and run with an odd gait. He was certified by doctors but my grandparents kept him at home. He could be prone to tantrums mainly from frustrations with his limitations. Physically he was very strong as a young man and could easily just swat someone away to the other side of the room. He survived until his late forties, passing away around 1958. As a side note, my father, the younger of the two contracted rheumatic fever as a child.
  • @dilsiam
    My Mom got her nursing degree in 1963, she did her medicine and psychiatry practice with a catatonic patient. She took him put of this catatonic state I don't know how she did it. Mom you're special for me forever and I love you Rest in Power ❤❤❤
  • @nocomment2468
    Oliver Sacks was such a brilliant neurologist and writer. Probably most people watching this channel already know of him, but if you don’t, I’d recommend starting with the book “The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat”. It’s a fascinating and moving piece of work.
  • @linwoodnymph6113
    That the patients improved with l-dopa, but eventually regressed, reminds me of "Flowers for Algernon".
  • @lisastevens682
    My paternal grandmother had Addison's disease in the 1950's. It was so bad, they had to sell the farm and move to the city for her treatments. She lacked the energy to get out of bed. It got to the point that she wasn't eating. I don't know what treatment they gave her, but she was super-woman to me! She cooked, cleaned, and worked 40 hrs a week. Every weekend had the grandkids, baked bread, went to church and Sunday and dinners! I have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue. I WISH I had her treatment plan!!!
  • My grandfather was born in 1901 and i love thinking of all the change his life went through! CRAZY! WW1 at 19, Spanish flu at 19 or so, global great depression at 28, WW2 at 38, Polio in the 40's, let alone all the technology advances! Cars, phones, radio, TV, indoor plumbing, in home heat and so much more!
  • @rickclapp6560
    My Mom had Sleeping Sickness as a child. She was living in Roslyn Washington. Her Dad worked at the coal mine and it was a company town. If you worked at the mine you could live in the town. She came down with Sleeping Sickness and also a super high fever that cooked her brain. My understanding is she was sick with 2 or 3 things at the same time. Kind of hard to say since they really didn't have a good way to test for things back then. My best guess is someone came to work at the mine from the East Coast and carried the sickness with him. She was in a coma for several weeks and when she did wake up, she had to start school over. She was a couple of grades ahead when she became ill. It was a hard road to recovery, but she ended up living a full life. Since she was one of the few that had it on the West Coast and recovered, she would be called in to donate blood to help other victims many years later. I'm so glad she didn't end up the way these people did. She recovered and they never did. Maybe because she was a child.
  • @PharmDRx
    First thought was ... "Hahaha yea april fools mf!" Then, the "well shit..." kicked in
  • As someone who was diagnosed with Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy in 2016, I have never accidentally come across a video that brings up the connection between catching viruses and developing dysautonomia (like Long Covid). Thank you for bringing more light onto the subject, it's sorely needed.
  • @KY_CPA
    Awakenings was SUCH a good movie! RIP Robin Williams