The Root Cause of Cardiac Arrhythmias Is... (MUST WATCH)

Published 2022-03-22
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Learn more about the root cause of cardiac arrhythmias and the problems with the current solutions for this issue.


0:00 Introduction: The deeper cause of arrhythmias
1:33 Electrolytes and the cardiovascular system
3:20 What is an arrhythmia?
4:28 The lack of nutrients in the soil
6:10 Magnesium for the heart
7:20 Side effects of treatments for cardiovascular problems
11:15 Key takeaways
11:43 Check out my video on the best foods to support a healthy cardiovascular system!

Today we’re going to talk about the deeper cause of cardiac arrhythmias. An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm, which can lead to many different health issues.

Electrolytes control the nerves and the muscles. The heart is a muscle, and it has nerves that control it. There is a huge connection between electrolyte imbalances and cardiovascular function.

Electrolytes work together, and they need to be in the right balance for different functions in the body to work correctly. For example, if you have too much potassium, you’ll have a deficiency in magnesium. Certain electrolytes have a direct and indirect effect on each other.

When you get your electrolytes primarily from food, you will get them in the correct balance. If you take an electrolyte powder, it’s crucial to make sure it has the right balance of electrolytes.

Magnesium is incredible for the heart. There is a lot of data on magnesium preventing clots and arrhythmias or palpitations. High blood pressure is also associated with a magnesium deficiency and a potassium deficiency, as well as high calcium. Unfortunately, many of our foods are deficient in magnesium because our soils are deficient in magnesium.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before making any changes with your medications or coming off any medications. But, it’s important to be aware that some medications for your heart can throw off the balance of your electrolytes in direct and indirect ways. The proper balance of electrolytes is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. So, you may want to bring this up with your doctor and ask deeper questions concerning this issue.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the deeper cause of cardiac arrhythmias and other heart problems

All Comments (21)
  • In January 2021, I was in the hospital with serious heart palpitations as well as abdominal pain. My blood pressure was 170 over 100 and my heart was beating at a rate of 120 beats per minute, and my vision was dimming and blurring every time my heart pounded out of my chest. After 5 hours and various blood tests and a chest x ray, their advice? "Your electrolytes may be imbalanced. Drink Gatorade." After realizing this was completely bogus and was making the problem worse, I stumbled upon your videos and slowly worked my way towards a healthy keto and IF lifestyle. The palpitations, the digestive issues, and the blood pressure issues are all a distant memory now! Thank you Dr. Berg.
  • @billybell6950
    Dealing with symptoms and not the source problem seems to be the definition of modern medicine. Thanks for the good advice.
  • @margriet5004
    It saddens me (as a retired nurse) how the conventional health care is not working most of the time. I have noticed in my 42 nursing career how medications more often create more problems than “curing “ the problem. Unfortunately the medical industry is not willing to look outside the big pharma box. Thank you dr Berg for all your interesting and important information ❤
  • @stephencarlsbad
    Most doctors do not come out of med school as integrated healers, they're mostly just pharmacologists chained to the big pharma, medical machine.
  • @Colossus-Tone
    Was a lifelong sufferer of irregular heartbeat. Started taking magnesium taurate in decent amounts. It stopped my arythmias completely. Never had another one since making magnesium taurate a daily staple.
  • 14 months of terrible Arrhythmias. Visits to the ER.. apt after appointment with Cardiology, appointments with Lipidology and Endocrinology. 14 months and they just pushed Beta Blockers and Statins...neither of which solved my problem and both of which created new problems. Saw your videos on Arrhythmias and Electrolytes....Done and Done !!! Arrhythimias GONE !! Many many thanks.
  • @christineqp
    Absolutely! I was having an irregular heartbeat for a couple of weeks. It was the most scary and tiring experience and actually it happens from time to time. So I took a magnesium one night not for my heart but because when I take inositol with it my body relaxes better and I can sleep. The next day I wasn't expecting for my heart to feel better but oh my god I felt so much better. I didn't take the full dose so I did later that day and I noticed my heart returned to normal. The power of electrolytes! I'm blown away! Thank you for this video, Dr. Berg!
  • I am an Indian Doctor and i cleared my tachycardia on a Low carb cardiologist had me on a Catheter Ablation list coming soon in a months time. Thank you for saving me🥺😀
  • @fidelcatsro6948
    The proper balance of electrolytes like potassium, sodium and magnesium is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system ''any solution thats gives you a bigger problem is not the optimum solution'' Thank you Dr Berg!
  • My arrhythmia went crazy when I hit menopause. What used to happen occasionally was now a daily (multiple times a day) occurrence. Went to see a specialist and he assured me it wasn’t life threatening but I could take some medication to regulate it. He gave me no explanation other than my heart had a lot of extra electric pulses . 🤨 um…ok. I chose not to go with his prescription. So I started taking extra magnesium and potassium. BOOM!!! No more daily arrhythmias! Still there on occasion, but soooo much better!
  • @user-qt5jc1qc6n
    I love so much, that you address the causes of sickness and disease, because typically we go to doctors who simply treat symptoms. Too many drugs, not enough prevention! Thank you Dr Berg.💙
  • a few years ago (then, early 50’s) after suffering from irreg heart beat since my 20’s, one heart dr said “take more magnesium” but that was it. it was later on i had to google electrolytes and learned about what you are saying and that alone has made a HUGE diff for me. you are right as always.
  • @jamesdean3548
    We are allowed to question heart medication but not vaccines.
  • You can’t find the solution without finding the cause. Great info as always!
  • I've just had an ECG done. I've been told that some time ago I suffered a silent heart attack. So unbelievably. Thank you Doctor Berg for this amazing insight into the causal of the imbalance of vitamin's.
  • i had recurring SVT, correct name would be narrow complex tachycardia - rate of up to 220bpm. symptoms were light headedness, shortness of breath, extreme anxiety - i literally felt i was going to die. Cardiologist suggested Beta blockers and if that was not going to work then ablation therapy to burn out the 'theoretical' faulty SA nodes. i asked a few questions from the cardiologist regarding secondary conditions of taking beta blockers. his response sadly was that is the protocol. i told him thanks but no thanks. started intermittent fasting then after a few weeks started eating lots of dates. the magnesium in the dates cured my irregular intermittent fast heart rate. BP came down from 170/115 to textbook 120/80. i now take REMAG (magnesium supplement) daily. I am on an OMAD diet that leans towards keto.... i do have carbs but very the form of rice. i eat greens like they are sweeties, plenty of protein and natural fat. I stopped eating out - banned all pizza, pasta and bread - have not touched them for 3 years - make my meals myself - grow micro greens in SOIL. i take high sublingual doses of vitamin D (20-30 thousand IU daily). recently started taking B complex - B1 - B3 and i regularly eat raw garlic and onions soaked in lemon juice. People see me and tell me they are convinced i am getting younger each time they see me. i now listen to my body - when it craves something i am able to identify what mineral vitamin or micronutrient my body is looking for and so i find the healthiest way to give it to my body. i eat fermented vegetables, stopped cooking my veg a long time ago- and take ACV 2 table spoons raw, 10 minutes before my meal. i drink Kefir, go out in nature and i touch the trees grass soil to get more good microbes in me. i am intending to do two sessions of HIT in the last hour of fasting before my daily meal. Every three months i will fast for 2 days - water only but i make tea from organic senna leaves to completely empty my digestive tract.... please note this can cause dehydration if you are not careful Dr Berg - you are one of the few people on this planet who not only has the knowledge but the ability to put that knowledge into a practical applicable form. Your delivery of information is comprehensive, to the point and worth its weight in Gold. I wish i could follow you around for a year and learn as much as i can from you. I am now moving away from the UK to a place where i can afford a small patch of land with good soil so i can grow my own food and raise some chickens and lambs naturally.
  • @1drummer172
    Great life saving info Dr. Berg; thank you!🙏 Over the years my doctors have been irritated with me when I refuse medication but I’ve always successfully handled my health issues with changes in diet and lifestyle. I’m 69 years old with normal heart rate and pressure and I take no medications.👍
  • @Gojira_Wins
    I would like to add my own experience with what I once believed was an arrhythmia. I believed I was developing a heart condition or had one due to my weight, life style and symptoms. Over the course of 2 years, I would experience issues where my heart, regardless of how fast it was going or what I was doing, would beat normally, then pause and "shiver" and beat hard, then go back to normal like nothing happened. This issue would happen so bad sometimes that it would be every other heartbeat or even EVERY heartbeat when it was super bad. I had no idea what was causing it but going to the Doctors office was out of the question. So I started testing. I tested my fitness, symptoms, age, diet and more. Eventually I figured out with the right medication and diet what it was. It was an ulcer. The Ulcer in my stomach is up against my vegus nerve. It's sensitive to the acidity in my stomach, stress from life and will act up if I eat the wrong foods. Sugar and tomato sauce really cause it to go wild. Removing sugar and any acidic foods causes my stomach acid to calm down and I don't have any problems. Overeating will cause problems as well. Laying on my right side also helps since your stomach is deeper on your right side, thus, it doesn't push the acid against it. So with the right diet, you can almost completely remove this issue. I want to point all of this out because I know there are some people out there who are scared of these videos while having the same issue I have. You're going to be alright, you just need to focus on your diet and health.
  • @tammmy2170
    Boy is he right. I had a potassium deficiency and had massive chest pain and rhythms problems
  • @gracelotz8525
    You presented this very well. I'm a cardiovascular critical care nurse. I mostly work with patients who have just undergone open heart surgery. We watch their electrolytes daily sometimes every 6 hours to ensure the ideal K and MG and Ca2+ to enhance the heart in the immediate post op healing process. You can imagine the inflammation we are dealing with after open heart where either valves were replaced or "new coronaries" were created. Fluids given IV are very specific. Plasmalyte is the go to because Its truly balanced. I will reference this video for those new to cardiac issues.