The Real Reason You’re Overwhelmed with ADHD

Published 2024-06-14
Are you struggling with ADHD overwhelm, feeling like you're constantly spinning plates without making real progress? In this video, I delve into the ADHD overwhelm that leaves many of us feeling stuck and paralyzed. We'll explore the evolutionary reasons behind our busy brains, why our current environment exacerbates these feelings, and most importantly, how to manage them effectively.

Learn how to:

Understand the root causes of ADHD overwhelm
Shift your mindset to see your unique brain as an asset
Manage your inputs to optimize your outputs
Prioritize tasks based on intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivations
Use a guided exercise to gain clarity on your most important goals
If you’re ready to transform your approach to ADHD and start living a more focused and energized life, this video is for you. Don’t forget to check out the links below for additional resources and my productivity program, Distraction Action, designed specifically for busy, ambitious brains.


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0:00 Introduction
2:30 The Struggle with ADHD Overwhelm
6:15 Evolutionary Perspective on ADHD
10:45 Managing Modern-Day Inputs
15:00 Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivations
18:30 Guided Clarity Exercise
23:00 Taking Action and Next Steps

Tags: ADHD overwhelm, ADHD focus, ADHD management, managing ADHD, ADHD tips, ADHD productivity, ADHD intrinsic motivation, ADHD executive function, ADHD coach, adult ADHD


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All Comments (21)
  • @SassyYazzy1212
    You got me crying within 1 minute. I got my diagnosis one year ago, at 33. While at new job after 8 years, total new role, new branche. New everything. My RSD was thriving. The diagnosis was a process (and still is). It was too prominent for my boss's liking so i lost that job after a year. I am now at a new job. With no adhd coaches at my side anymore. Your video made me realize I keep needing to hear this kind of stuff. Otherwise, i fall into old habits and compare myself with people who have different brains.
  • IMO ADHD is one of the most misunderstood of all common medical conditions, by both those challenged with it and the general public. By explaining how this behavioral adaptation evolved, and how to manage in today's world, you do an invaluable service to both groups. Don't ever stop. ❤
  • I have such a hard time prioritizing what's important and what can wait. I end up getting nothing done in the process. So, this makes me feel better and not such an abnormal person.
  • @Heyu7her3
    I was neither a hunter nor a gatherer... I was a wiseman/ philosopher 🧠
  • @dbencic
    I actually do feel like burning my life down right now and starting all over again 😅
  • The whole evolutionary idea would also explain why many ADHDers remain calm in a crisis... we would have had to if we were out on the hunt !!
  • @JennyAmigo31
    You are the ONLY person who puts in words exactly how I feel- before giving suggestions! It’s sooooooo validating and helpful! I wish we could all go to an island of misfit ADHD’ers once a month for a get together!! LOTS ‘a❤ LOVE To OUR PEOPLE! 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
  • @LegoFlipC
    I’m a starter and activator … not a process person, so details of ‘ongoing operations’ of life are a struggle and exhausting. I have started businesses and been successful surrounded by people who live for ‘order’ . But without that.. From finances to my health… it buries me and then overwhelm then paralysis and apathy…😢 Once I added children to life I went from overwhelm to “i give up’ and just got used to feeling overwhelmed apathy all the time- time to break it!
  • @daram5257
    Perfect timing of this video for me. I did your value assessment the other day and was surprised by what was most important to me. But not really surprised...deep down I knew but I was still holding onto old / society-expected values. Blocked time for myself this weekend to explore this more and try (for the 100th time) to set priorities and plans.
  • @RebeccaRuano
    I’m overwhelmed, and confused… I’m slipping away from life… I don’t know what to do… I’m going to watch this again, I can manage my input… but the steps 2 and 3… like you said… I don’t live this way. Things aren’t linear; everything is connected, it’s cyclical and webbed, everything ahhhh!! Maybe I need meds. I’m going to a doctor in the morning.
  • @zarabecker8373
    Pretty sure the issue is waking up every day believing you're going to conquer the world then unable to identify what went wrong. Then forgetting that happened and plotting along like ladeda I'm going to accomplish so much today. Rinse and repeat.
  • @itslvp92
    That actually makes a lot of sense. I was adopted from a place where people are still nomadic so I am much closer to it than the average person
  • @SIBIRIAKcom
    Wow. Hauntingly similar to sound production principles. If the initial recording has a noise floor, gaining the output will only bring the noise up.
  • @Pr3stss
    I have competing priorities. Full time work, single lady, and in school. I can't prioritize school over work, but school is what truly drives me.
  • I have said over and over I am a sprinter not a marathon runner- I am physically built for power and quickness too
  • @DrDweh
    its crazy i was just thinking about this the other day! how ADHD minds were probably more fit for a different kind of lifestyle such as living off the land or being hunters! glad I am not crazy because i have been dealing with this overwhelm ALOT here latley!
  • @adhdself-love
    Step 1 is to be faced with each thing you didn't conceive of having had to do in order to even be prepared for doing step one. Each step thereafter follows the same pattern until you either start another thing on mid step 3, say, or complete the aforementioned task at the 11th hour and anywhere between 57.5 to 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.
  • @JennyAmigo31
    Can the “ONE THING” include a whole like business plan? I am an INFLUENCER- (it’s not really one thing alone- it all goes together-). But I see the mind vector— it makes me HAPPY! I want it SO BAD! But because it’s not ONE thing- I’m stuck on the exercise. Is it the one thing? I want to have a YouTube channel about healing from abuse- publish my book, go out speaking and inspiring broken people with art and music. The art music and book are done. But starting the public channel is kinda next step to make it happen. Planning and breaking it all down is IMPOSSIBLE. And I spin in circles accomplishing zero. I want to go to schools, Universities, corporations and events to speak- and inspire. With an income from my speaking and book and classes. I live helping people and being on stage!! This video helps so much. But what to do to get stuff done and be clear.?? I’m currently stuck in a miserable broke job. 😩
  • @Owlch
    Your videos have been very comforting to watch as I learn more about my ADHD. Sometimes you just need to know that you're ok, and there's a way to manage things. I'm still learning and it's been difficult because I've been so hard on myself, but it's a process. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom in such a kind and comforting way!