Exploring Panama's Richest & Dangerous Neighbourhoods 🇵🇦

Published 2022-01-21
Join me as we go off the beaten path to experience Panama's richest (Punta Paitilla) and most dangerous (Ancón) neighbourhoods. Along the way we make a stop in Casco Viejo (built 350 years ago), admire the beautiful architecture, before we descend through a dangerous

All Comments (21)
  • @maryevans7406
    Hey I went to Panama City by myself in April. Just started walking from hotel for about 2 1/2 hours over rough sidewalks, cross over walk etc. All my friends said I was crazy but I enjoyed myself and I am going back! I am 71,female,not athletic but like to see the world. Wish I had started younger. Enjoy be safe!
  • @Dapper_Dean
    I remember being there in the late 90's. We had great fun. Me and my Latino buddies in the army drove everywhere, when we had a free time. It's always good to travel with Spanish speaking friends there. It saves a lot of headaches.
  • @cesardavis4270
    Sketchy area looks a lot better than Kensington, PA, I would not even mention Detroit
  • @nitranejoe
    Great video!!! My Dad was in the US Army and we were stationed in Panama from 1991-1995. He worked at Quarry Heights (Ancon Hill) and we lived on Fort Clayton. I've always wanted to go back and visit again.
  • Very nice , my great grandfather was Belisario Porras 3 times president of Panama I thank you for your visit to the mountain Cerro Ancon a the rest of the city .I used to live in California for all the 80 through 90 and I love California .take care .
  • @Zoiekiwicoco
    That was Quarry Heights - housing for an American military base - not a boarding school. This was populated by Americans until we turned the canal over.
  • @dejozollc3549
    Very nice video. The area of the Gorgas Hospital in Ancon was US Military base property. All of the old houses you saw were military base housing. After the end of the US & Panama treaty, the houses became privatized and now the mid to high class is able to afford purchasing those properties. That area in Ancon has lots of history. Also to clarify, that is not really the getho. There are areas that are considered red zones that you could not even walk unless you are part of the gangs. The government should invest in renovating the Ancon area as it symbolizes military unity, high labor, and cultural mixture.
  • Actually, Chorillo , the area you attempted to avoid isn't too bad to walk around in the daytime if you would of just stayed on Ave Central.
  • @1onsight852
    Great video. I was born in Panama I'm from Calidonia and I've never seen the Ancon hill lol I'm actually going back home next week after 20 years. So much to do with little bit of time but I'm going to make the best out of my 5 days.😢
  • @roybladea6180
    The bycicle path used to be ocean front .the original 2 lane av is to the far right.
  • @franko311
    How you able to use your phone ? what did you use for navigation?
  • I would love to be living in Panama 🇵🇦a good Lady and nice place .but I'm a poor American. Maybe one day this will be
  • These youtubers now spend their time making videos of the rich and poor parts of Panama, know that there are horrifying parts in the USA
  • @king_smitty860
    7 min mark across from where you was walking is a popular bothel 😎