Published 2024-05-23
the new phoveus

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All Comments (21)
  • @cammyn2022
    At least he will no longer be a situational pick solely for one purpose, but I will miss his old design for sure
  • Possible way to make his old Anti Blink mechanic would be to make his passive be triggered everytime enemy hero blinks, but only the increased range and CC is there. You'd still need to displace them yourself if you want the other stats
  • @Kombhai
    Undertaker's Bell sound on his ultimate is a nice touch🗿
  • @grainadeop4917
    The redesign is so good, now he no longer looks like purple Aldous, and that bell sound is just perfect. Just wish they'd bring back the anti dash mechanic especially with the upcoming wanwan buff. And please just this one time moonton, don't mess up the voice acting and please add interactions between Astaros, Lieh, and Edith
  • This revamp is what we call pure revamp. (Magic Damage to physical damage )
  • @MrJomharp
    Honestly a simple cd buff on his og version would've helped him enough in the meta. It's not bad that he's a situational pick that is only best on squads or ranked, although yes he will still rely on enemy dashing whether the enemy has dash skills or not, he's still better that way. They just need to reduce the cd on all his skills and keep his original style and he's good to go. And he's way more fun that way; insane ult range, high sustainability, annoying passive, and a good poke/damage hero that also specializes on chasing. It's like an overly complicated alucard except he deals magic dmg.
  • If they reduce the cooldown of its passive by like 50 to 70% i could see it working.
  • @notfex1427
    Idk if anyone is gonna read this, but I think I see what they did here. Arlott's 2nd skill work best when his CC as well his teammates' hits an enemy. They took that idea and place it on Phoveus, but added more additional buffs, more CC options, and placed it on his ult in compensation to letting him do his own work. What I see them doing is simple. They dont want him to soley be a counter to dash heroes, they want him to be like the heroes we have today. Revamped Minsithar for example. Before he was like Phoveus, only being used to counter hard dash heroes, but now, hes in more roles, INCLUDING being an actual EXP laner that can do dmg. On first release, it was clear Phoveus was only made to counter dash heroes, but thats it. He was like the true definition of a situational hero, because his whole gimmick was to be a dash counter, not someone that can be used in every match. With this revamp, they want that to change with this new Phoveus, but they just simply didn't execute it right. Idk if this is too late or not, but all thwy gotta do is bring back his old passive.
  • FINALLY he doesn't have stiff movements, he was lazily done when he came out in the game.
  • @mikasa2.057
    From magic damage to physical damage that's what we need Edit1: he is like a street fighter 💀 and no longer an evil buddy from abyss Edit 2: i was thinking and this is a nerf , he is easier to counter against dashing heros, no shield and condition of activating his ult is pointless with high cd
  • Possible Adjustment ideas (that may or may not keep his anti dash mechanic): 1. Passive effect has no CD whenever enemies dash but only the increased range and CC is there. Phovi needs to displace them himself for the other stats. 2. Or entirely remove the CD but his ult deals lesser dmg. Allowing for minimum 5 ults w/one dash and BA after each CC. 3. 2nd phase of S1 can be aimed further than just infront of him, it IS his current S2 afterall. 4. Better Shields or even Dmg Reduction is good too. I could've directly suggested for these to Moonton but my potato phone would lag out before customer service can open
  • He seems like a roundabout or harder Arlott with the mechanic changes. This'll just make him more obsolete once they nerf his damage if he ends up being a popular pick because there's no reason to pick him over Arlott. Although it does provide an Arlott alternative if both teams want him. The trigger condition for his passive is too difficult when you consider that it's supposed to work in tandem with being able to trigger it if the enemy uses their own dash. It's counterintuitive, because it's more likely that the enemy is dashing away from you if you're trying to catch them, and consequently be out of basic attack range. Some scenarios I could see him being useful is against Arlott, Lancelot, and in some cases, Nolan and Hayabusa if they're dashing towards you, since these heroes are the type to dash towards you and often be in basic attack range of melee heroes because of it, so you can take advantage of the free passive activation. I wonder if shorter skills that displace the hero will count towards a passive stack though. Hilda's 1st skill enhanced basic attack, 2nd skill and ult, and Saber's enhanced basic attacks can give him extra stacks if they're counted as dashes. It would be 5 separate "dashes" from Hilda and also Saber after his 2nd skill rework since his ult is likely considered a dash, meaning if his enhanced basic attacks are a dash both uses of his second skill (+ enhanced basic attack) would give Phoveus stacks.
  • Tbh this new revamp feels alot like a nerfed version of arlott, but with his ult being alot more faster and with how u can use him in more situations than just a counter to dash heroes is a very good change, but with how u need to use ur own cc is kind of limiting making u not be able to spam ur ult back and forth but who knows if this will be the final change
  • @kakolusi6144
    As far i can see this revamp is great, the shield from 1st skill is there which helps him survive a lot during fights and now his second skill also has airborne affect which he lacks in current version! now onE change is u need SPECIFIC TEAMMATES WITH push or pull affects to get full use of him instead of DASHING BLINKING ENEMIES!
  • @Klaudzy
    Not the flameshot cutoff 😭
  • @gameoflife9147
    it's just arlott with different style.. stun for unlimited dash, to displace for unlimited jump.. but arlott is more way better because teammate cc can also help him, when this new phove is not even flameshot can't help him anymore, when petrify can help arlott..