I'm going sober at 31 years old.

Published 2022-12-18
At 31 years old I have decided to turn sober. 10 days in and it's time to talk about it.

There's a societal assumption that when you stop drinking alcohol its because you have a problem and you've hit 'rock bottom', this just isn't the case. As this year has gone on I have become more sober-curious and alongside my ADHD diagnosis I knew something needed to change. I needed to take a step back from my relationship with alcohol.
The majority of my mistakes and poor decisions have been made whilst drinking or because I had been drinking. I sat reflecting on all the regrets I had made in my life and very few of them were made whilst I was sober. This baffled me, I knew something needed to change.

The pressure society holds over us to drink is mind boggling, and if we want to 'unsubscribe' to that way of living we are questioned, told we are boring or asked if we have a problem. For me, this isn't the case, I want to know sober Alex and what sober Alex wants from life. Who knows if this will be forever, but it definitely will be for now. I will keep posting about my journey going sober, if you have any tips or advice please share it in the comments!

Video with Millie Gooch
   • Living life COMPLETELY SOBER?! Dr Ale...  

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All Comments (21)
  • @DrAlexGeorge
    If you have any particular aspects you would like me to include in the next video, comment below :)
  • My one year sober is coming up and man you don’t know how amazing your life will be when you get sober and it just keeps getting better
  • I'm 27 and I've been sober for 2 months. The positive effects are immeasurable and I've never felt this happy. Alcohol sucks
  • @rc27td
    proud of everyone on the sober journey. i’ve never drank alcohol and never been interested, helps that i’m Muslim and it’s discouraged in our faith- due to all the reasons Alex and so many in the comments have said they found as negatives. i often feel quite sad when i’ve been around others who are drunk or hungover and see them be not their best self or the way their body language and anxiety changes. it’s sad because i wish they could see themselves and know there’s so many other ways to be social, be happy, be confident and have fun without alcohol. i’m 28 and have had amazing moments and experiences without the help of alcohol (despite having other barriers like mental health and health conditions) and that’s not because i’m any better or special- it’s just because it IS POSSIBLE. so possible. please don’t let society’s obsession with alcohol make you feel like you have to partake- you don’t. it’s not legal because it’s good for you, it’s legal because it’s lines the pockets of many who do not care about you. ❤
  • I saw your insta post about this a few days ago and it made so much sense. I am suffering today after being so drunk last night, had black outs, argued and cried. My day has been ruined, head is banging and I'm back in work tomorrow and will probably feel just as bad. I have watched this video and have decided to join you in your sober journey. Thank you for the inspiration x
  • @LuLuBeeBah
    I did at 44 years old...wish I'd done it a decade earlier! Good for you. It makes life so much better 💖
  • @KathAB5710
    Your series about being sober should be titled ‘Cheerio beerio’! Looking forward to following this journey - thank you so much for sharing! X
  • As a 21 year old who doesn't drink and hasn't done throughout my life (apart from having worked through sips of different alcohols to try them), this one resonates. I often get lots of questions why - and it's simply because I don't like the taste but deeper down, I've seen alcoholism affect so many people through my life and I want to be in control of my life and decisions - it doesn't make me any less "fun". It does get a little isolating because I always found I wasn't invited out like everyone else but thankfully, since starting my paramedic training almost 3 years ago, I've had nothing but acceptance and love. Do whatever is best tor you Alex, whatever helps you to love the beauty of life💗
  • Couldn't have found a better time to join you on this journey. New year new me, literally. Thank you.
  • Dr Alex thanks for giving me the courage to finally take that leap of faith and go sober.
  • @laurenc2976
    I'm 32 and have been sober my entire life 😄 I'm in an absolute minority but I have no regrets. I'm not about to start a bad habit at this age when I've come this far.
  • Nice to see you again Dr Alex. I'm waiting for your updates.
  • Omg I can’t tell u how much I need this series!! I have been soba curious the past year or so, I got into drinking during lockdown n it’s got heavier n heavier, only ever on weeknds but a few drinks turned into loads!! And the anxiety is worse than ever! I’ve said i am too going sober on 2023 my last drink was nye and I am determined to do this!! The sleep is the worse I agree!! So ready for a better me! One that i am more present! Thanks for this video 😊
  • @capri468
    Happy this appeared on my feed. Been really thinking about going sober. I’m pregnant now so I’ve been sober for a few months but post this I think I want to continue not drinking. My craziest stories involve alcohol…including this pregnancy so I think I’m done. I also have ADHD and so much of what you said resonated. I’m just over it
  • @alexisboo8568
    I am on day 78 and your video really resonated with me. Professor Nutt’s report was a real eye opener for me also. I originally stopped drinking with the idea of just taking a break but now I see no valid reason or benefit of starting again. Today is my birthday and I never ever would have believed I’d be sober on my birthday! But I am focused on reaching 100 days in Jan. I am sleeping better, thinking more clearly, I am a better mum, more patient and generally just a nicer person. Keep going! It’s a challenging journey but sooooo worth it 😊
  • I’m 23 and considering going sober, I’ve already massively reduced my consumption in the last two months already! But everything you’ve said massively resonates - already made so many healthy habits in this year, might as well add one more into the mix!!
  • @jorayna1
    He is doing a true public service by being so vulnerable and honest. Thank you.
  • @Mark-rs8hx
    This has came at exactly the right time for me, this weekend I had a big blow out and I said I was going sober afterwards. Looking forward to following your journey and coming back for motivation! Well done doc :)
  • @helen_louise
    Love this video, Alex. I am only on my 2nd sober day, but I've related to every single point you made. The anxiety is the worst for me, I get so weepy the day after. But proud to be on this sober journey with you ❤️
  • @gingertea5006
    So nice to see you again Alex. I don't drink alcohol - in my early twenties I had a medical condition and the doctor advised me not to drink alcohol until the condition cleared up. It opened my eyes to a lot of things. I would go to parties and being sober I would see people slurring and staggering around - I was embarrassed for them. I would go out and still have fun without drinking anything. When the condition was gone I realized I didn't need it in my life.