The Rise and Fall of SpaceUK

Published 2023-04-26
Geometry Dash's top player has been exposed for hacking nearly every extreme demon they've ever touched, including Slaughterhouse, Acheron, Sakupen Circles, The Golden, and more.

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Thumbnail by: @TicLos

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All Comments (21)
  • @Zoink
    so crazy cant wait till i have my own video made on my downfall
  • @esoterichydra
    Space was honestly someone a lot of players looked up to. So sad how this is how it all turned out 😔
  • @figmentboy
    The watermark I added on a whim 2 years ago was a complete joke for both list teams for so long, turns out it paid off in the most unexpected way LOL
  • @HKip
    There's literally no excuse for what he did. People keep glazing what happened by saying "He did it to troll us" "He just got bored, what a legend 🤓" He took the spotlight from so many legit players who actually put a shit ton of effort on this game just because ""He was bored"'" and lied for years.
  • @wavix
    this is just a sad situation, and the fact some people still say "oh he was just bored" and downplay it irks me severely. on the bright side, Vortrox 100k soon?
  • @Mr._Tru3
    If I had a nickel for every time a GD player got exposed, I’d have way too many nickels to count
  • @Flyther_
    It’s like Karl jobst says: cheaters don’t cheat to get something they can’t achieve, they cheat to get it faster
  • @Relevance334
    This was actually sad to see, because not only did he lied about everything, but his entire career was just a joke for us. I'm not saying i'm mad at spaceuk though, it's just, why would he do this to the community? EDIT: He tricked the mods into approving his records on main list levels? What a shame. But right now, he's beaten Tartarus and The Golden as his hardest, but that still wouldn't get back the good reputation he once had. Huge L tho.
  • @MapleclawGD
    The fact he did up to the golden 96% legit then hacked everything is kind of sad, he could have went so far as he was a very skilled player.
  • @buzzybees8604
    I actually thought SpaceUK was a legitimate player. It was never a thought in my mind that he might be cheating, so this was very surprising to see. And it's really messed up how much money he made off of cheating and lying to the whole community, it's straight up careless.
  • @Vortrox
    This news really sucks man. All Geometry Dash history for the past 2 years has to be changed now...
  • @cookiezz_9601
    The thing with him not verifying Slaughterhouse kinda reminds me about what happened with Zodiac, where the first victor became the verifier after the original verifier admitted to hacking.
  • @darkkl
    Spaceuk was personally one of my fav gd youtuber. The fact he shows up to the community and overtook everyone so quickly. I was genuinely impressed how gifted he was and absolutely admired his talent. He became my motivation to play gd again. But now... it's just sad to see. Im not even mad, just disappointed very much
  • @Wither64
    i think the most heartbreaking part is that they didn’t really care that they got exposed it was just “i lost interest”. ty for the video!
  • The difficulty jump from Decode to Windyland scape to Wasureta and later gaining 96% on The golden is absolutely impressive for your 1st top 5 demon I highly have a feeling even with out a hack he still being able to become GD Best player if he was serious about it. But sadly he decided to used hack... What a wasted potential...
  • I'm honsetly really sad that this would all happen without knowing. Space was the reason i came back to gd because of Slaughterhouse, it breaks my heart seeing this all happen :((((. I hope we can learn about this and try to give other players the recognition they deserve!!!
  • This is really sad to me. I look up to top players for motivation to play... so seeing the best of the best destroy himself through hacking is devastating.
  • @BootifulBlaze
    What a crazy turn of events. I could've never expected something like this would happen