Wim Winters does not get my credibility 1/2

Published 2024-06-19
Wim Winters is one person, but two musicians, one with a metronome and one without. When he plays without a metronome, it sounds okay, but as soon as he gets a metronome in his hands, things go wrong.

Without metronome, AuthenticSound: "Tempo ordinario in Bach's music - an introduction". Wim Winters plays the Prelude BMW 859, 4th = 56 crotchets per minute. 10:02 - Czerny's version says Allegro Moderato, 4th = 100 per minute. 11:30. Wim Winters: "We today would write Czerny's tempo as 4th note = 50, so a little bit slower than I did". What? Slower? Czerny's allegro moderato was slower than the Baroque tempo ordiniario? No, That's not true.

With metronome: AuthenticSound: "Beethoven: Sonata No.9 Opus 14/1 - Historical Tempo Reconstruction - "Wim Winters".
The signature MatthieuSt... "Oof, this first movement really falls apart completely. Another great example of how double beat doesn't work!"
Wim Winters: "yes, how about the fact that in SBT it isn't even playable".

When I saw the sheet music, I immediately realized that it can't be right. After about an hour on YouTube, I was able to present this list of pianists who play the first movement faster than SBT. All the pianists play the repetition.

Double beat tempo: 13:43
Single beat tempo: 6:51

M. Korstick 5:45
A. Fischer 5:50
I. Levit 6:05
R. Buchbinder 6:11
Jumppanen 6:15
Sokolov 6:18
Yokoyama 6:31
L. Schwizgebel 6:32
D. Barenboim 6:45

All Comments (2)
  • I am addressing you who are fascinated by Wim Winter’s presentation of the so-called double beat theory. Other words for the theory are Whole beat or WBMP. As you know, all issues have several sides, and that includes this on. If you do not familiarize yourself with other channels that inform about the theory, you will not gain credibility if you participate in the debate. Because we are not discussing personal taste. Such things have no answer and are therefore worthless in the attempt to approach a historical reality. We discuss how to understand the written sources + - 200 years old. Wim Winters himself confirms in various ways that his argument is weak. Here are some examples: Wim Winters, quote: «The best argument FOR the WBMP are the thousands of metronome marks that nobody every will be able to play and we simply ignore». Pancreas: «Lang Lang….what a joke». Wim Winters: «Hmm….wish I had his technique though». Wim Winters acknowledges that Lang Lang has a better technique. This means that it is Lang Lang, and not Wim Winters who knows what is possible to play. There are many pianists around the world who have an excellent technique, far above Wim Winters’ level. Therefore, Wim Winters is not qualified to tell us what is possible for others to play. This means that his «best argument» is of no value in the debate.