The Real You - Jim Carrey

Published 2021-04-05
Jim Carrey's inspirational speech will leave you speechless as he discusses fame, depression, ego, and happiness. One of the most eye opening speeches you'll ever hear.

Who are you really? An amazing lecture given by Jim Carrey, actor, comedian, writer, producer and artist.

To celebrate 10 million views on our video "The Real You - Alan Watts", we put together this special video of some of Jim Carrey's greatest advice on being yourself. The real you.

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Speaker: Jim Carrey
Learn more:

Speech 1: Jim Carrey commencement speech at Maharishi University of Management (2014)
   • Jim Carrey at MIU: Commencement Addre...  

Speech 2: Jim Carrey interview at Toronto International Film Festival (2017)
   • JIM CARREY | Characters, Comedy, and ...  

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T&H Inspiration is on a mission to share inspiring wisdom. The goal is to have you pause, think, and reflect. Many of our videos revolve around the extraordinary teachings of Alan Watts that we produce with permission from the Alan Watts Electronic University.

T&H also films and releases original interviews with iconic people who have experienced successes, while also persevering through life's highs and lows. We look forward to sharing more of these perspectives and insights.

Our hope with these videos is to push your thinking. As Alan Watts said “No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.” – Alan Watts.

All Comments (21)
  • @tradgedyandhope
    To celebrate 10 million views on our video "The Real You - Alan Watts", we put together this video of some of Jim Carrey's greatest advice on being the real you. We hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your support!
  • It’s insane that people are trying to tear him down. He’s done nothing but give himself to the world, sincerely. And people are trying to expose his illness and make it something else than it is. His psychology IS him. Jim IS his flaws, and his joy and sadness. He’s torn himself apart for our entertainment. Is that not enough?!?! He owes nothing to anybody. He only gave and never took.
  • The first half of his career, making people laugh, the second half,making people think , beautiful words to live by 🙂
  • @XxBuRkaDuRkA
    "Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world." That line hit me pretty hard.
  • @notsure1969
    I really needed to hear that today. As a broken man in my mid thirties dealing with depression, anxiety, loneliness, and now unemployment, I sometimes want to just jump off a cliff. But I know that I am not alone in the fight. Millions of other people feel the way I do, and the way that Mr. Carrey felt. It is engrained in our society that we need to be certain people or certain types of people. We try so hard to be the people that we think we need to be that we forget to be who we are. That causes feelings of disassociation and derealization and it only adds to the wall that divides us from our dreams. That feeling of hopelessness and despair continues to impair my ability to share my artistic talents with the world, out of fear of ridicule or rejection. When Mr. Carrey said "you are enough", that was the moment that utterly broke me. For so long, I have beleived that I would never be enough for anyone - a girlfriend, a wife, an employer. Recently, a friend of mine told me that I was enough, too. When we fully realize that we are truly meant to be who we were meant to be, it will be such an enlightening experience. I am enough. You are enough. Thank you, Jim.
  • @MosesRabuka
    "The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is." ~ Jim Carrey
  • “And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in.” Have a great day!
  • @packetjunkie
    Nobody understands depression until you've experienced it. Depression is your brain telling you no matter how great your life is, that everything is nothing, and that you are nothing. Jim Carrey put on a smile for the world in his work, and gave the world laughter.
  • "Risk being seen in all of your glory..." Man, that hit hard. I wish someone had told me that when I was a kid.
  • @OnlyThisMoment
    I free’d myself and found peace in life and felt truly alive and then my health began to fall apart. As I lay down now, all day, everyday, in tremendous pain and unable to take care of myself in even the most basic of ways. I still find a way to smile through it all. Please live your lives! Don’t waste time worrying about how it should or could be. If you still have your health, you still have a life to live!
  • @amcezm0n3y47
    This man is a TREASURE. He has contributed more to people's lives than most can hope too . Love this human
  • I wish I could sit and talk with him for a while. He is an amazing human. And the world is so lucky to have him!
  • @sirenavg5467
    The older I get, the more I’m content with living away from the noise 💗 I love the simple life, the quietness & enjoy all the beauty.
  • I ❤ this person because he made me laugh uncontrollably in my childhood and now he enlightens me as an adult.
  • @shaenewman2672
    "How tricky is this ego that it would tempt us with a promise of something we already possess..." ✨️💯
  • @lisacotton322
    Jim Carrey, you’ve hit it on the head. I am so proud and honored to call you my fellow human being.❤️❤️❤️
  • This was really so meaningful to me. At 51 I finally became me. The day before my mom went into her como from stage 4 lung cancer she said I know how you will be ok without me FINALLY be You... She said upon my death will be your birth.... Finally becoming me I am clean and sober. Anxiety and depression free. I work at a wonderful job that I love AND I adopted two children,❣️I do not like religion but am a devout lover of Christ. I didn't have to go through a religious door in order to get to him. HE met me where I was. THANK GOD for ME🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • @jooei2810
    When he is gone, I hope we miss him as much as we miss Robin Williams. I will miss him.