Sharks - The Ocean's Apex Predators | The Blue Realm | Free Documentary Nature

Published 2024-04-13
Sharks - The Ocean's Apex Predators | Blue Realm | Ocean Documentary

Episode 1: Shark Business - 00:00:00
Episode 2: White Shark Tourism - 00:46:33
Episode 3: Whale Sharks - 01:29:48
Episode 4: Shark Divers - 02:18:34
Episode 5: Shark Nation - 03:07:20

Dive into the captivating world of sharks with our documentary, exploring these fascinating creatures from their ancient origins to their crucial role in marine ecosystems today. Discover the diverse species of sharks, from the majestic great white to the elusive hammerhead, and learn about their remarkable adaptations for survival. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of shark behavior, their importance in maintaining ocean health, and the ongoing efforts to protect these iconic predators. Get ready for an immersive journey into the awe-inspiring realm of sharks.


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All Comments (21)
  • We discover the diverse species of sharks, from the great white to the elusive hammerhead, and learn about their remarkable skills to survival. We unravel the mysteries of shark behavior, their importance in maintaining ocean health, and the ongoing efforts to protect these amazing predators.
  • @VandNana
    The fact Eric is still so dedicated to his job and helping sharks is beautiful. I cried a little because I’ve never seen someone care so much about an animal, especially ones as feared as sharks. He really loves these animals.
  • @ArcticVXR1
    A wildlife Documentary narrated by the Master Chief. What more could you ask for!
  • @sheilatruax6172
    Hammerheads were the first shark I was familiar with. As a 6 yr old, an uncle and aunt took me to Galveston Beach. We were walking and I saw something on the beach and started working my legs to get there to see it. Turned out to be a juvenile hammerhead. My uncle, a former linebacker for Texas A&M, caught up to me and wouldn't let me touch it. I was pretty sure it was dead, but they weren't changing their mind. Pooh!
  • @csanchez000
  • @kathrynaracsy3332
    I would absolutely love to go swimming with a shark their absolutely beautiful creatures.
  • So glad we have people fighting for the sharks. If we could only get Japan to stop their "research" killings.
  • @srvuk
    Forever planet earths most iconic creature.
  • I enjoy watching documentaries about sharks, and am glad that there are dedicated conservationists out there who are trying to save them. One of the statements that was said in this documentary that really got my attention was that if all sharks went extinct, the ocean would become a pitre dish of diseases because there are no sharks to eat dying or dead marine animals. If this isn’t enough for the general public to see how important sharks are to the ecosystem then I don’t know what is! Of all the species of sharks, I think Tiger Sharks are my favorite to learn about. But I would be too afraid to be in the ocean with sharks, especially big ones, they would definitely sense my fear! I really have to give those professional divers who swim with these animals some major credit!
  • Apex predators ? Orcas says hold my beer while i eat your liver 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • @jaeljade3609
    It's terrifying to me to see the shark finning still happening.