Tiktok Couple “Comedy”

Published 2024-01-03

All Comments (21)
  • @suddentears13
    I truly dispise this "haha it's funny when women are abusive" brand of humor
  • @josch5305
    "I do not think they went for transphobia, I think they ARRIVED at transphobia" that sums it up perfectly thank you jarvis 😂
  • @Stickyz
    I've become infertile from eating scented candles
  • @Thejohnnymanc
    "If you're not nice to me, then you don't deserve human rights" is a slogan that like 80% of people unconsciously live by.
  • @eviltreeb
    wow! women sure are unreasonable and men are reasonable and logical!! 😊 marriage is a prison 😹
  • @bighoodie4315
    "I hate my wife" Boomer humour has migrated from jokes about abusing her to jokes about her abusing you, and yet it's still completely centred on misogyny.
  • @arutezza
    "Ill take my noodles just the way god intended it" is a powerful line, probably better than whatever the actual joke was supposed to be
  • @bighoodie4315
    Nobody can tell me marriage hating jokes because my instant response is, "Have you considered divorce?" And suddenly they don't feel like being funny anymore
  • @GioTheVax
    "Haha, my girlfriend is showing all the textbook signs of being an abuser including getting unreasonably jealous over things outside of my control and then blaming/berating me for them, being extremely possessive when I'm near other women, becoming verbally and physically aggressive and even assaulting me, but isn't that so funny and quirky that she does that!" No man, these are just hard to watch
  • @ines6358
    19:36 “plus she’s albanian. They don’t trust people” as an albanian person this is hilarious because the concept of trust is one of the most important things in our culture 💀💀
  • @BlueSodaPop_
    I will never understand why people get married to someone they do not like. This makes me never want to be in a relationship.
  • @dallasmalaysia
    As someone who was previously homeless I thank you so much for highlighting how gross these creators are for creating false situations for teenage TikTok users to get mad at. It’s the most unproductive form of content in my opinion
  • @MishKoz
    I'm amazed that the "wife bad🤣" genre of comedy has migrated from boomers to tiktok.
  • @chubbydino4328
    The fact that they think this is legitimately entertaining content for their viewers to watch is concerning… 💀
  • @jfinney225
    I was homeless a few years ago. Mostly due to drug addiction. Unfortunately many people see both my addiction and the consequence of homelessness as a choice. But I promise you I chose none of it. Everything you said about homelessness, Jarvis, was totally on point. I deserved to be treated as human just as much then as I did before I was an addict AND now being 3.5 years clean. Every human being deserves autonomy, including financial autonomy, even if that means they buy drugs with the money they are GIFTED. If you can’t tolerate that, don’t give. We are all people doing the best we can with the situations we’re in. It’s really a very simple thing to have empathy for others.
  • @juno1334
    As someone that has been homeless with my boyfriend due to domestic violence seeing that “skit” is really damaging. The entire time we were homeless we would get alienating stares from people assuming we were the problem. The amount of people thinking we were junkies or similar was very disheartening at an already difficult time. We were lucky enough to receive help from people (with a tent, pillows and some food) and we were eternally grateful! Perpetuating this idea that homeless people aren’t grateful is damaging. Mentally it is such a hard and scary place to be so when someone in this situation isn’t overly grateful that’s not to say they don’t appreciate the help. We were exhausted (getting a couple hours of sleep a day because we were too scared to sleep for longer because of being harassed which did happen) and in survival mode. Or to say that we are lazy. We had people say we were lazy and if we weren’t we wouldn’t be in the situation. Whereas what they didn’t see is that we had a youth social worker, we’re linked in to EVERY eligible service on waiting lists, filled out government housing applications etc. And content like this not showing the actual struggles and making people think that every homeless person thinks or is that way. Or is better off than they seem (prada shoes in the skit) is damaging.
  • @mastermarkus5307
    Admittedly, if you say to someone "I'll buy you a sandwich" and you get them Lunchables, they have EVERY RIGHT to be angry. Doubly so because it's framed like "you're begging on the street, so you should feel grateful that you're getting anything!"
  • @danhumphrey8357
    “I hate my marriage jokes” are never funny. They just sound miserable.
  • Also just to add in reference to the homeless one: Just because they are desperate doesn't mean they should be grateful when you give them scraps or food for kids. They have the right to want decent meals like the rest of us. Ofc if you tell ANYONE you're going to get them a sandwich and come back with a lunchable they'll probs be upset. Now add onto that how hungry they must be and we all know lunchables don't really fill you up at all?? If anything that false hope could be worse then just ignoring them. It's just evil. Edit: As someone replied to me, people also have allergies which means they can't just accept anything. Also they can have sensory issues due to certain disabilities like Autism or just simply not like something. Being homeless doesn't mean you should make yourself suffer to survive and it really wouldn't hurt to ask them what they would actually like if you have the means to do so. And accepting food from strangers is risky anyway so there's always that danger.
  • @Axqu7227
    “If you’re not nice to me, then you don’t deserve human rights.” I’m autistic, which means that even if I try my hardest to project the empathy I feel inside outward in a way most people would understand, it’s always going to feel inauthentic to most people. “Just be yourself,” does not work for me because my authentic expression looks robotic and callous to most people. Holy shit the number of people who give me the detriment of the doubt just because I can’t give them the performance they want is crazy. No matter how many acts of genuine kindness I do, it doesn’t matter, because the performance isn’t right. I’m convinced over 60% of the population thinks this way