QI XL Series S E12: Silly Season

Published 2022-01-28
28 Jan 22. *Contains some strong language and adult humour.
Stephen K Amos, Ivo Graham, Holly Walsh and Alan Davies. Sandi Toksvig hosts.

All Comments (21)
  • @sakoyalt821
    I love it when Holly’s on cuz it’s like Sandi’s got a weird child that she’s a bit worried about
  • @colinjones5379
    The birdwifery joke really deserved more play, that was top notch
  • As long as we're listing out of laws, I'll add Hanlon's Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”
  • @wishee77
    Have you heard of Cole's Law? It's white cabbage and carrot in a mayonnaise dressing.
  • @xyldkefyi
    With regards to internet laws, there is also Cumberbund's law, which states that "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer." 😉
  • Stephen just going through VW models and eating Klaxons was wonderful.
  • @AmberwingArt
    For anyone who's interested, the painting they show at 41:07-42:15 of Mr. Toad in the courtroom (shown for the question, "Ignorance of the law is...") was painted by awesome illustrator Chris Dunn.
  • I was really disappointed they didn't include Cole's law Which is shredded lettuce in dressing
  • @Liutgard
    When my granddaughters were about 5 years old, they lived with us for awhile, and one of them suddenly decided it was a great thing to say 'poop'. A LOT. I finally got tired of it, and told her that I didn't want to hear it anymore, but if she really needed to, she could write it down on a piece of paper. Six years later, we're still occasionally finding little pieces of paper with POOP written on them...
  • @rhysodunloe2463
    Amos' Law reminds me of a German saying “A guest is like a fish: The first day he's fresh, the second day he's a burden and on the third day he's beginning to smell."
  • @flaagan
    I have to say, while the chemistry between everyone is great when they have a crowd in the studio, how utterly "friendly banter" the discussions have become without them worrying about the audience is actually quite enjoyable.
  • @jb888888888
    As David Mitchell once said on this very programme, "all words are made up."
  • @ClementinesmWTF
    Amazing they brought up Lake Peigneur here. My answer was jokingly that “the Gulf flows backwards”. It’s an amazing story and even more amazing that no one was injured or killed in that event.
  • One silly season, a few years ago now, had Radio N.Z. National opened it's 6o'clock news bulletin with the now immortal sentence " A man, who had been drinking whisky all, day fell over!"
  • @gormster
    As an Australian I was extremely confused when this wasn’t a Christmas episode… that’s all I associate with the term “silly season”. I had no idea it referred only to midsummer, I figured it was just the end of year festivities and people taking time off work stuff.
  • @livb6945
    Swede here. Names of things in IKEA are often silly even in Swedish. It started with using (real) place names for sofas but it became a thing to use Scandinavian sounding words and names. Although some names are very literal, these days many names are made up words
  • @jb888888888
    Stephan must have been ahead with about 40 points before he went on his VW Klaxon binge, if he only had -27 at the end.