Willow - It's A Total Disaster

Published 2022-12-15

All Comments (21)
  • Scientists warn that within 5 years time disney will run out of childhood classics to ruin
  • @XeniaChow
    Rings of power, wheel of time, witcher and now willow. The people that tried to gaslight us and said this is a "golden age for fantasy" are such despicable people.
  • The TV series has 8 episode with a total playtime of roughly 400 minutes. This 12 minutes long review video has 1.6 million views so far. So Drinker actually saved 400 * 1.6 million - 12 * 1.6 million = 620.8 million minutes for humanity. I call this serving the good cause!
  • @debbieandmarc
    I lost it at "beta male who uses safety scissors to open his bag of crisps." 🤣👏🏽
  • Not all the participants were bad. The horses were cute and fulfilled their roles as mounts flawlessly.
  • @Arassar
    "I don't know what Marvel sees in this girl"

    I do. She's got the perfect multi-culti look. Actual talent doesn't matter to these weirdos.
  • @kasaibouF29
    Remember when Willow was just a story of a dwarf and a baby going on an adventure?
  • I just love how the characters speak in a modern manner, and wear modern looking clothes, even though this is a medieval fantasy.
  • “Strong Female Character, Ginger Plank of Wood and a group of talentless diversity hires” is flawlessly put. This entire review is flawless
  • @bmack1708
    "Ginger plank of wood" checks so many diversity quota boxes, i'm surprised she doesn't have 3 roles in this show.
  • @drewpooters62
    Gentlemen, it's been an honor watching the fall of intelligent entertainment with you.....
  • @jeffhoward162
    Worst part is, there were 2 books published as sequels to Willow that were excellent. They followed Elora Danan as she grew up and learned about her purpose, fleshed out the world, and showed Willow Ufgood after becoming a great wizard. It actually ticked all the necessary boxes for those all about "the message" tm, and was still a great sequel and conclusion to the original movie. Shadow Moon and Shadow Dawn, I believe they were called.
  • Your "Go away now!" was delivered with more emotion than any line from any character on this Willow series.
  • I had a professor of creative writing once tell me when I was in college that "you cannot write characters who are smarter than yourself." I have been thinking about that a lot recently.
  • @ianstrain4048
    "When a show literally takes the piss out of itself, it leaves me wonder what the hell I am supposed to do." Excellent!
  • @7Andy77
    Every remake nowadays:
    - How crappy it is?
    - Yes.
  • It's amazing how EVERY FANTASY SERIES turns out to be.....just like our world today.....which I'm always trying to escape.
  • The "GO AWAY NOW" had more acting in it than all of Willow. Impressive.
  • @USSResolute
    1. Ginger singularity. I loved that phrase.
    2. I'm happy for Warwick Davies getting to reprise a role. Too bad he wasn't happy to reprise the role.
    3. Thank you for watching these so that I don't have to.
  • @cRAVEtrance
    The show felt like someone's spoiled tweener niece wrote her own fantasy novel, who promotly nagged to have her aunt/uncle at Disney turn it into a show, and the execs, hamstrung to turn the questionably "done" script into a show, retconned Willow into the script, BECAUSE THAT WAS THE ONLY WAY THEY WERE GONNA CON ANYONE INTO WATCHING IT.