How to use hormonal herbs the right way

Published 2024-05-13
Sure, lots of herbs are phytoestrogenic, but which one is the right fit for YOU? Here we lean on traditional and biochemical indications for hormonal herbs to help you make the right choice.

We talk about :
1. phytoestrogens - what are they, how do they work, phytoestrogenic herbs, and which phytoestrogenic herb is best for you
2. agnus castus (vitex) - specific indications, how does it work biochemically, why it's not for everyone and can make things worse, and dosage
3. antispasmodics for period cramps - how antispasmodics work, specific antispasmodic herbs for different kinds of people and pain
4. hepatoprotectives for hormones - and how they work, and why the liver is associated with hormones
5. adaptogens - what they are, choosing the right adaptogen
6. tonics - what tonics are, choosing the right tonic
7. relaxant nervine herbs and specific indications
8. circulant herbs to support hormonal pain
9. analgesic herbs to support hormonal pain

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