raceQs Perfect Start

Published 2018-05-22
Here's a demo of the raceQs Perfect Start procedure.

It's a replay of a race start, one track being the actual course sailed (Harlequin) and the other one ("raceQs") following a track generated using the Perfect Start procedure.
I have combined the image from the raceQs replay web site with tat from the watchApp.
We had a 10 kt breeze from the NE for a race starting at 13:00.
The action starts at 2 minutes from the start.
The target speed used was 5.6 kts, being about the speed we reached on the day.
As you can see, Harlequin missed the start by around 20 seconds, while raceQs, using the procedure, would have hit the line at speed on the gun.

The raceQs Perfect Start procedure:
1. At "Trigger" time, bear away onto a course parallel to the start line to build speed to your target speed.
2. When you reach the target starting speed, harden up to close hauled and hit the line on the gun, close hauled at target speed.

How to know when to "pull the Trigger" ?
That time depends on a knowledge of a bunch of factors:
* The location of the start line
* The time of the start.
* The true wind direction (TWD)
* Your boat's
tacking angle
target upwind speed for the current True Wind Speed.
current location, speed and course

Using the raceQs watch app you can
* record the start line by sailing past the ends and ping the position.,
* deduce your boat's target speed, tacking angle and TWD by sailing close hauled fully trimmed on both boards and "Ping" your current speed and heading.The app records your speed and deduces your tacking angle and the TWD.
Then the app will let you know when to "Pull the Trigger", and you will have a Perfect Start

Of course you still have to set yourself up for a clear run and avoid the other boats!

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