Common Misconception: "8 inch per mile squared"

Published 2017-07-19
One thing you hear flat earthers say often is that the curvature of the earth is 8 inch per mile squared.
This is only a rough estimate for the first few miles though.
It is way better to use the Pythagoric Proof:

Original autocad drawing made by M. Kahnke (07/02/15)

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All Comments (21)
  • Bas Koning - I plugged your Excel formula into a spreadsheet and created an array to calculate the drop in elevation per mile carrying the results to 20 decimal places. I created an identical array using the 8" per mile squared formula used by flat Earth theorists in no-curve proof videos. The numbers are not exact, but at 100 miles your trig formula shows a drop of 6669 ft. The 8"per mile sq formula shows a 6669.67 ft. drop. That's only 32.97 inches difference. If I drop back to 50 miles (most camera zoom proof videos are at less) , the difference in drop is only 5.85 inches between the 2 methods of calculation. In my opinion, the error in no way invalidates the results of the curvature test proof videos by the flat Earth theorists. I don't see the point of this video.
  • @sbwhite599
    but how can a ship see a light house at 40 miles away? it says its suppose to be a 1000 foot drop
  • The 8" per mile squared formula is a close matching Parabolic equation which is accurate for calculations up to 770 miles with less than 1% error!
  • @seangdolan
    The first few? Yeah first few hundred all the way out to about 1000 before it becomes tangent from the actual formula in any meaningful way. 🤦‍♂️
  • Do some math. At 1 mile the error is −0.0314%. At 799.9 km or 497.0 mi the error is about 0.1%. At 2234 km or 1388 mi the error is about 1% and only after that it rappidly increases. You're attacking a straw man.
  • @uptown215
    Here we go with all these numbers lol
  • @danielreaman756
    This is accurate for short distances relative to Earth's radius. Additionally, it is accurate assuming that the 'height' of the curvature of the Earth varies according to the Pythagorean Thereom. However, if we measure along the actual arc length, over greater distances we see discrepencies. An 'arc length' of 3959 miles would result in an angle of approximately 57.3 degrees, which results in a drop in 'height' of Earth's curvature of approximately 1820 miles.
  • @arkie87
    This is a very accurate estimate for reasonable distances. Even at 70 miles, the error is less than a foot. However, this formula is only correct when the observer is at sea level. So its usually the wrong formula (though an accurate one).
  • @amrtvideo
    Calculator for Dummies. The Distance in Miles in line of sight from pt. A to pt. B = 3 Miles. You with me so far ? Now Multiply that Distance 3 miles by itself [that's called 3 squared] 3x3=9. Simple right? Ok, now Multliply that 9 x 8 Inches = 72 inches . Your a genius for following me this far. So if you aren't deep in a well like a frog in the well go out and do this yourself. I have an Island 3 miles from me and can see the waves breaking on the shore! Now that is IMPOSSIBLE on a "globe Earth". Those waves should be 72 inches or 6 Feet below my horizon or below the curvature. Only fools cannot understand this. so the equation is Miles Squared x 8 Inches = Curvature of a globe of 25,000 Mi. in Circumference. Am I the only one that understands math anymore?
  • @NYTruthseeker
    Important distinction, thank you, Bas. If you have time to add an explanation using your voice, it might help viewers to follow along and not jump to false conclusions.
  • @ZackWolfMusic
    If this is chart is in correct please show me a better one.
  • @sahcnetwork
    You should do a video where you prove this math and the shape. I have a feeling nobody can prove the earths shape.
  • @timdouglas4760
    What a dufus.... and next you will tell us c=pi(d), but only when the circle diameter is less than 30 miles. Got it!
  • The Pythagorean solution provides a simpler formula than the trigonometry. x = R - SQRT(R^2 - L^2)
  • @prince2lof1
    :"One thing you hear flat earthers say often is that the curvature of the earth is 8 inch per mile squared. This is only a rough estimate for the first few miles though."   This calculation is derived from Eratosthenes of Cyrene work of how round the earth is.  It not a flat earth calculation F/E made up. Flat earther's also believe that this formula is flawed, in like it don't exist in reality . Thanks for the help in trying to show us all how flawed it is though.  Get out behind your slide rule and do some real life science.  You will find that no matter what made up curvature formula you try to apply they don't work out in real FLAT world.
  • omg so what's the big deal at 16 km that's barely 20 meters or curvature
  • @Poncheezy
    8 inches per mile squared was accepted without question until you had people going out and actually putting the globe to the test..when the results came back that there is no curvature all of the sudden people started pushing the goal post. For example you have people that swear on god that they seen the curvature of the earth from an aeroplane and that was usually accepted as fact..Then all of the sudden you had people saying that the earth is apparently too big too see curvature at all..This was even endorsed by Niel degrass Tyson.. this is a problem for the people that swore that they seen this curve cause now the goal post has been pushed soo far back that you literally have to go to space to witness the earth as a ball..Which again is a problem cause at that point everything becomes a matter of belief. Do you really trust the information that is being presented to you?? I choose common sense every time.