Jeffrey Seelman - My Story - A Metaphysical Journey

Published 2016-05-31
Jeffrey discusses how and why he became an Exorcist. This metaphysical history from day one will be of interest to individuals who have an interest in spirit guides, exorcism, clearing businesses, homes and people.

All Comments (5)
  • Im here because of your apprarance on Coast to coast am. I enjoyed the information you shared. Thank you
  • @candac22
    you could be telling my story. very nice to not feel alone with this.
  • @AF_1892
    Lots of good things I can personally relate to. Wondering what kind of public library would have metaphysical books. For sure TX no way. I started my studies in 04 then super hard 06 with online forums. I'm not touching one of those boards that start w an O. An episode w red beady eyes w my cousins around 6-7 it happened. I. Ditched the board and created a game called red beady eyes to screw around with a lot of cousins. I love tech and build circuit boards/design high power audio systems. Sorry so long. But haha the Dr that said eat less sugar. I brutally tell patients no carbs. You don't need them. It will correct your cholesterol too. That old Dr you saw knew biochem at them time backward and forward. I'm a Virgo. I am brutally honest with patients. Your body does not need carbs. Keep them under 20-30g a day (spend those on fiber). I take great pleasure in fixing metabolic problems in young people struggling w sugar addiction. Much more to say on this but trying to keep it short. Where I grew up a big UFO sighting (I saw them all them time, Stephenville TX). History Channel did a special on it pretty impressive