The BEST WAYS to catch JETRAGON (Glitches and tips) PalWorld

Published 2024-02-26

All Comments (21)
  • @lucasdonahue365
    What bugs me is that when I watch other people fight against him, he actually targets the Pal most of the time.... When I fight him he is focused on me 99% of the time. PITA, many deaths.
  • @Neal_Trevena
    You can trap jetragon in the crater next to him and unload into his head. This way usually works.
  • @gnawtsatyr8865
    I'm playing in normal with no world customizations. I got my first Jet at around lvl 30 just because that where I was when I tried. I have 5 now. I put a pal box at the shore end of the carcass near Jet and littered the area with campfires. The key is to aggro him at dusk because once his health is low from the fire AND YOU LET HIM KILL YOU he will fall asleep immediately. Respawn and get an easy back bonus. He will ramp into the air in pursuit of your from the volcano rim and the skeleton spine and take several thousand damage upon land which speeds up the process of weakening it. I caught my first two Jetragons with blue spheres. Have fun.
  • @V4lkyr1es
    I got the box to work. Thanks bro.
  • Lol😂😂😂😂 "he nose dived.... Of the edge of the cliff ... Like a teenage emo girl." 😂😂😂 JTDC
  • @Wortigon2000
    If only Jetragon had an alternative elemental variant we could breed different traits into. (Swift and Runner, possibly Nimble) that'd be great. Like Frostallion's Noct variant. This way, getting a Jetragon with perfect passives is a lot harder :/ Same goes for the rest of the legendaries though, only Frostallion Noct is easy to get perfect passives for.
  • @d34dly5
    since you have your base there, how about swarms of exploding Tocotocos? just keep swapping in new tocotoco when the others have exploded.
  • @Mantis_AB
    I built a base as close to him as I could and lured him in and used 20 of my strongest pals plus one in my party to jump him, he didn't stand a chance.
  • @ThePsyclosis
    literally caught all the legendary pals at night while asleep.. it is possible no glitch. just have a decent base to keep producing at least ultra orbs think i may have achieved with a hyper but even harder.
  • @Zomboi94
    First try and I literally freaked out in disbelief because it worked
  • @francisbutler319
    I just used the back hunting technique and got jetragon in less than 10 tries. It was shockingly easy!
  • @GenkiColleen
    I was totally expecting you to try the 1% just onnnne more time XD
  • @No-OneWhatsoever
    Ifnyou also use the ring of pacification i think he doesnt dir and stays on 1 hp
  • @tjunkown849
    i have a bug where there are 3 of everyboss in the game how do i fix it?
  • @damoblake6000
    guard xp glitch the guys invisible and just despawns??? any suggestions
  • @atacstringer8573
    I've tried to catch him 15 seperate times every single time I get him down to about half health and he decides to eat himself off the cliff and die I've tried doing this legitimately I'm done trying legit