The Code Monsters attack the QSMP Candidates while pretending to be the Eggs #qsmp

Published 2023-07-27

All Comments (21)
  • @HeadphonesGal215
    If it were any other eggs it might have worked. But in a previous stream Phil literally knew in LESS THAN A MINUTE that tallulah’s admin was playing chayanne. Phil KNOWS his kids
  • @Isabeck100
    I was watching the Brazilians pov and thought it was odd when Cellbit gave her a flower and she didn't gave one back as always. And I have to say that I love Richas, after all the fight he was like "good luck pretending to be me cuz they will need to learn Portuguese" kkkkkkkkkkkk
  • @emy8555
    Phil is one Badass dad for damn sure. The moment they came in, he was like ''you guys arent my kids'' His death glares to these imposters throughout the dinner gave me chills (that'd be so bone-chillingly badass to animate, him staring at them, scrutinising them and being mad that his kids are being impersonated). And then of course, the AWESOME tag-teaming of Etoiles and him, against the codes. Genuinely the best PVP duo to take on the codes. Their fight together was BADASSSSS! With Philza getting that cathartic justice of landing the final hit :') AAAAAHHH i cant wait for the animations masterpieces that'll be born from this.
  • @swanmaid9868
    I know it wasn't Tallulah because she would definitely put down a sign "Child abuse! How could you hit me papa," she would not let that slide she a drama queen.
  • @matchad
    The thing that gave it away for me that it was a trap, was that Phil IMMEDIATELY recognized that the chef was Tallulah's admin. NO ONE ELSE, to my knowledge, has played as llulah, only qnpc02. Also, the moment Phil declared that "Tallulah" was "not his kid", it clicked on me that the code ONLY communicated through the maraca, like no words, no signs. Like, the real Tallulah would NEVER pass the chance of being a drama queen and do the "into pieces" emote and say on a sign "you hit ME??? D:". For the "chayanne", I saw a screenie from Fit's POV of him saying "he doesnt love me anymore :(", which I call BS because both Llulah and Chay know that the reason Phil doesn't take them on dungeons alone is that he cares too much about them, and that he is afraid that he'll lose them both again, like the nightmare situation. Also, them disobeying their paranoid ass father? After the stargazing talk? Not a chance, his kids obey him. The thing that I didn't realize though, was that they were both codes in disguise. I thought it was the Federation trying to bait and force Philza, local anarchist and known for not liking the Federation one bit, into following their rules.
  • @grey8288
    Mad props to the admins for being so consistent at roleplaying the eggs in their mannerisms and speech that deviation was noticeable, not even just by Phil, even Tallulah not giving flower trades to others.
  • @JCXP123
    I was watching Fit's stream when Tallulah showed up and I immediately thought something was up because she looked too "clean" and it dawned on me only when Phil said there were no cracks 😮 Poor planning on the federation's part because they should've impersonated other eggs instead of Philza's 😊 Also, "my kids do what they're told" awwwww ♡
  • @Frostbite961
    The way Phil almost immediately knew something was fishy and then he knew "You aren't MY eggs". Phil knows them too well, the mannerisms and just the way they didn't have cracks. Now the concerning part is, are those the only two Codes? Are there more? Are they dead dead? Does that mean they can shape shift into he other eggs? Why did they start with Chayanne and Tallulah? As many questions it answered left us with more. And the way Phil was so relived when he saw his too real eggs was a very sweet moment. (Poor Tallulah has even more trauma now)
  • @otter_r_us314
    Lesson for the federation: Don’t mess with the parents and ESPECIALLY not Philza Minecraft
  • @vianneyb.8776
    I LOVED seeing Etoiles and Philza fighting the codes together. It just felt right to see two amazing PvP players fight, one who wanted that fight because of his focus on security and challenge, the other because he deserved that payback for the insult of impersonating his kids and making him worry. And he got the final hit, hell yes!
  • @giovanna4540
    my fear is: the codes learn next time they'll have the cracks and will be smarter about the stuff that was their "tell" (such as tallulahs maracas and them not responding to phil) It'll only get harder and harder to recognize the real eggs
  • @kelsimeuth1218
    Anyone else just actually scared of Phil? I love Phil I’ve been watching him of years and he’s a great person but lore and canon wise he’s terrifying bro hell no, he’s so nice but the second you hurt or even glance at one of his kids the wrong way he with mess you up Nobody : Quackity: (3:28) SHHH SHH SHHHHHHHH 🤫🤫
  • @FF9F00
    This event was so well executed! The fact that Philza is a literal Urahara Kisuke, who has the most beef with the Code Monster out of all members (8 different occasions) and yet he’s the least involved person with the lore makes it so funny! He just wants to live in peace on the edge of the world with his egg children, but somehow ends up in the centre of the story most of the time. Chayanne and Tallulah are always together, and they’re the perfect pair of eggs to be 2 imposters during the dinner. Besides, Phil told them explicitly to stay at home to avoid stressful situations, and we all know how that ended lol. It would’ve been a perfect event if Philza didn’t crash at the key moment and didn’t get caught on Forever’s lasso for the good half of the battle lmao
  • @JayAmoney73
    Phil is the most smartest person ever in this sever as soon as the eggs came he knew they were imposters
  • @kimmykim3255
    brooo i just loved etoiles he seems like the strongest person on the qsmp imagine he is being target by 2 codes then he for sure killed one and downed the other one and he only took only 2 hearts damage what the heck
  • @K9_Shi
    There was so much things happening in the dinner that I didn't even realize that Tallulah and Chayanne were acting weird (when Cellbit gave them a flower and they didn't react)
  • @lucas42140
    Only the real president stood in the arena, facing the codes. Vote Etoiles
  • @creative99855
    Watching Etoiles POV of the fight is so cool lmao he can’t be bothered