Why Only 0.23% Of People Play This Hero

Published 2024-07-27

All Comments (21)
  • @Kajor1
    CORRECTION: I read Aaron Keller's graph wrong 💀 just used to reading tank first, then DPS, then support so didn't catch it, and yeah I know overbuff isn't the most accurate thing in the world but it's good enough so stop being a 🤓 plz ty :D
  • Queen is my favourite tank ATM. It scratches something inside my brain. Shotgun, throw Gracie Shotgun, pull Gracie, Shotgun, melee Gracie, shotgun, melee Gracie, Shout, CLEAVE, shotgun, shotgun, shotgun, shotgun. Her tempo rocks. I feel like im in anaction movie as the main character. And thats what games should all.be about
  • @IkariOW
    What in the heck I just got jumpscared by myself 3:58
  • @user-rrr7th
    As a tank main, I think JQ is not tanky like other casts and she was made for DPS players. That's why I don't try to play her.
  • the average overwatchoid cannot appreciate the dommy mommy's superiority
  • Honestly, i’m shocked at the winston pick rate. Compared to queen his skill floor is somewhat lower and if you can nail down the jump, secondary fire + melee combo with good target priority he’s an easy value tank. 2nd lowest WR in comp all ranks is abysmal 🤧 great vid as always
  • @RyeCA
    She is so fun, hitting knifes can also be impactful, ult is pretty strong as well
  • Honestly, even though I am a Lifeweaver one trick, JQ is the most balanced tank, and one of the most fun heroes in my opinion. Even against her bad matchups, I still find ways to get value either through my knife, or commanding shout. Her ultimate is one of the best ultimates in the game in my opinion, and the fact she does not need to rely on her team as much as a Reinhardt or a Ramattra also makes her one of the better solo tanks. I don’t want to see JQ get changed, since she is really one of the only few tanks that feels fair to play against.
  • @Sahilow
    Now imagine if this was 6v6 and we gotta bubble queen and everything
  • You messed up in many ways with the pick rates in overbuff at the beginning. Its a bit long to explain in txt but here is a summary: Overbuff looks at your career profile, it cant know about queue times/ amount of player in queue. A hero's pickrate on overbuff is the playtime of hero/total playtime for all players. Tank queue times are the blue ones, 1.8min in 6v6, 1.3 min in 5v5. Not the /2 reduction, you confounded it with dps. There are a lot of misunderstandings considering statistics on overbuff. Please consider mentionning this if possible:) Anw thanks for the vid!
  • @reporpoized
    the underscores music in the background is a staple
  • "stupid (can't run from the urge)" mentioned, post your tracklist brother!! something that really amuses me about jq is that her axe "Carnage" has a deceptively large hitbox
  • 6:30 i gotta say one thing tho, as a Queen main with almost 200h, Queen shits on Sig in most matchups, she just needs a little help to get close to him (only time he shits on her is on Circuit)
  • Knife is hilarious to use. Fun. Usually switch between Sig and Zar. Was learning JQ for awhile and will probably put her in rotation now.
  • @CommentBanana
    i think you mixed up low and high for skill floor. A low skill floor means they are hard for beginners and a high skill floor means they are easy for beginners.
  • @locosword3985
    I saw Mauga next to JQ at the bottom and I was like “No way he’s low pick rate”