The Unnoticed Aspect of the Labor Shortage

Published 2022-10-27
Go to any food service or retail store and you'll likely see something about "the national/global labor shortage" and how they're short staffed. I have a theory that it didn't start with 2020 lockdown policies, but rather started back in the 80s/90s with "everyone should go to college to get a degree so they don't have to work a job like food service or retail." I don't have any survey or census data to back up my theory, but I do have multiple first hand accounts of college educated young adults with ACTUAL degrees (like business finance and counseling) that are unable to find jobs in their field but found jobs in retail no problem, and 12+ years of authority figures telling myself and everyone I knew "go to college so you can get a job that's better than flipping burgers or cleaning vomit."

All Comments (6)
  • This is by DESIGN. The PUSH was to send as many people as possible to Post Secondary Education. These Institutions became BUSINESSES. They became FOR PROFIT over night. This is why the student is NOW required to take many different and varied courses, that most likely DO NOT pertain to their Field, in order to get their Degree. The Post Secondary Educational system became a FACTORY. It churned out more and more Students with Degrees. This of course, now means they are competing with more and more people, for fewer and fewer jobs, this also means that those vocations that once paid well or better, have had their wages reduced year after year. WHY? Because when you, as a Company, have a Plethora of people to choose from, they can easily post lower wages, and someone will take it, just to get their foot int he door. However, this only causes the cycle to continue. In the 80s, and 90s, a 4 year degree would have guaranteed you an excellent paying career in a field of your choice (within reason). Now, that same job pays much less, and the person that has a Masters will get it because they have more education. The next problem is that these Institutions became permanently hooked on the access to easy money from outside Entities that had their own nefarious agendas. The Universities DO NOT care, because it has allowed them to add ever increasing amounts of Faculty Staff and more and more Chairs to their Business Model. Now the students are not really getting a "education" but they are being INDOCTRINATED into EXTREME Left Ideologies. NEW WAVE or MODERN Marxism aka SOCIALISM aka COMMUNISM has it's Tendrils into almost everything. It has been very subtle with a several decades long approach. These insane Ideologies have crept into everything and a prevalent everywhere in most Job Sectors that require a degree, WHY? It is all about CONTROL. T he evidence is there. Workers rights has shifted to the Persons Rights in regards to being INCLUSIVE to the point of complete and utter insanity. The CLASS STRUGGLE has shifted to 4th Wave Feminism, Social Justice, WOKEness and Intersectionality. These Educational Systems are now churning out Activists without a real cause. Brain Washing 101. When you are taught from the beginning of your life, that there are NO repercussions for one's actions, that you are the BEST ALWAYS, Everyone Gets a PARTICIPATION RIBBON, that you can DO NO WRONG, that everyone is EQUAL Always society will have problems. We are now witnessing those problems rear its Ugliness today. Scientifically, there are only two Genders. Male. Female. Yet, these kids are being taught there are hundreds. Just one example of many. This has been working it's way through the Educational Systems to earlier and earlier ages. Now it's in Kindergarten through G12. Don't believe me? Look at the truth right from the teachers mouths on what is being taught and promoted. There is a MASSIVE Tidal Wave of Evidence. Parents are starting to Notice and take a stand. More and more people are waking up to these Extreme Fringe Group Minorities. Couple all of this, with the Fact that MODERN Children are no longer taught Values, Right or Wrong and the Rewards of Hard Work. Then add that they are ADDICTED to Social Media and their Phones and or Computers. No wonder these kids don't want to work. They all think they can stay at home and make 6 figures a year for doing as little as possible while Virtue Signalling all the way. Wait until your Country rolls out it's Central Bank Digital Currency, and then your very own Environmental Social Governance Score. CONTROL. IT IS BY DESIGN.
  • @Mikedegot
    Send everyone to college and yet they still have companies filling entire floors of buildings with visa workers.
  • @shprek100
    You need to people in the trades.people that work in a office Need people to fix the floors I install their windows that’s the kind of jobs that will pay money in the future because as long as you work in an office I do everything else you need at your home business etc.