Bicubic Interpolation - Computerphile

Published 2016-11-23
Scaling images is usually smoother using bicubic interpolation. Dr Mike Pound explains why.

More on bicubic:
Wikipedia bicubic article:

Resizing Images (Bilinear & Nearest Neighbour):    • Resizing Images - Computerphile  
Slow Loris Attack:    • Slow Loris Attack - Computerphile  
Quantum Computing:    • Quantum Computing 'Magic' - Computerp...  
Babbage's Analytical Engine:    • Babbage's Analytical Engine - Compute...  
Sorting Secret:    • Sorting Secret - Computerphile

This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.

Computer Science at the University of Nottingham:

Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. More at

All Comments (21)
  • @whuzzzup
    We need a video on the "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" interpolation.
  • @TheArcher92
    I really dig this guy. He's got humour and a clear way of explaining stuff. more please! :)
  • @javierbg1995
    Dr Mike Pound is probably the best communicator in the channel. Always happy to see a new video featuring him!
  • @vladqoq
    OMG, i just love the way how Dr Mike Pound sounds. Computerphile, please, make more videos with Dr.Mike Pound. HE IS AWESOME.
  • @TimeHarmonic
    I really like the videos with Dr Mike Pound. They are the best
  • @budkin
    I could watch Dr. Mike explain literally anything and find it engaging.
  • @NorbertHarrer
    Ahh, I love it when Spiderman does computer science :-D
  • @KnownNever
    Nothing like a cup of Dr. Mike to start the morning off right... great vid as always!
  • @yandodov
    I like your videos with Mike. Make some more videos with Mike, please. Thanks!
  • @SazLowify
    Thanks for this video, it explained a lot of problems I had with interpolation in the past.
  • @8eck
    I'm impressed of how much this man knows. Every time i'm googling some complex stuff explanation, i see his tutorials in the results. :D
  • @WIImotionmasher
    I'd like to say, that relatively new effect in these videos, where the piece of paper is distorted to look like a top down view, is cool.
  • Yes, worth talking about Lanczos. Also worth talking about the general principle of image/signal reconstruction using the sinc function, because all resampling techniques are basically shortcuts to avoid the high computational expense of sinc.
  • @SomethingUnreal
    Eventually, this series of interpolation videos will come a full circle back to convolutional neural networks when it reaches the Waifu2x upscaling software.
  • @TheHardSteppa
    Thank you for this. Now some of the other articles ive read actually make sense!
  • @unekdoud
    Please make a playlist for Dr Mike Pound's Computerphile videos, they're great.
  • @logicalfundy
    "auto" most likely changes the resizing algorithm being used when sizing up vs sizing down, or when resizing is minimal (1.1 times) vs when it is a large change (5 times or so).