Noam Chomsky versus young conservative

Published 2010-01-09
A young conservative accuses Chomsky of hating America, and is promptly refuted.

From Chomsky's book, "9-11."

"When countries are attacked they try to defend themselves, if they can. According to the doctrine proposed, Nicaragua, South Vietnam, Cuba, and numerous others should have been setting off bombs in Washington and other U.S. cities, Palestinians should be applauded for bombings in Tel Aviv, and on and on.

"It is because such doctrines had brought Europe to virtual self-annihilation after hundreds of years of savagery that the nations of the world forged a different compact after World War II, establishing - at least formally - the principle that the resort to force is barred except in the case of self-defense against armed attack until the Security Council acts to protect international peace and security.

"Specifically, retaliation is barred. Since the U.S. is not under armed attack, in the sense of Article 51 of the UN Charter, these considerations are irrelevant - at least, if we agree that the fundamental principles of international law should apply to ourselves, not only to those we dislike." Chomsky, 9-11, p.66

He also points out that Bush rejected the offer by the Taliban to turn over bin Laden:…

All Comments (21)
  • @Ploskkky
    "The left has moved too far left and the right has moved too far right." - From a European perspective there is no political left in America. There is only 2 flavors of political right.
  • @vau0807
    Notice how Noam Chomsky never attacked or insulted the questioner. That is some Class right there.
  • Some strong cognition there: recalling each part of a compound question and delivering a verbal essay on each part.
  • Kudos on the title. Versus is much better then DESTROYED or something silly.
  • @BollocksUtwat
    You said I blame America. That is false. I blame you, I blame me, and I blame the rest of us who are allowing this to happen right in front of our eyes. That's not blaming America. Noam refuting the anti-American slur beautifully.
  • @titolovely8237
    chomsky would hate the title of this video. what are called conservatives in the US, arent actually conservative in any sense of the intellectual history of conservatism. US conservatives are imperial state capitalists organized around a religious fanatacism, and fear. it has almost nothing to do with traditional conservatism in any historical sense. the intellectual foundations that is conservatism are almost entirely gone from US politics. as chomsky would say, it's a testament to the propaganda systems that people like ronald reagan and george bush can claim to be conservative, and not be laughed out of the country by 300 million people. theyre about as conservative as clinton is liberal.
  • @jacobito6223
    American Neocons love these cartoonish analogies but sometimes forget they are only effective for stroking a dim witted audience. They're just a waste of time in rigorous discourse. 
  • I can almost swear that this still picture of Naom is slowly grinning wider. Is this just me lol?
  • @MsSandhu9
    Chomsky is spot on. Very accurate analysis of the situation. And ironically most people on the right accuse the left of being 'moral relativists', while their own argument for justifying the invasion of Afghanistan is 'what would you have done under such a situation'.
  • @bottomhead2518
    Chomsky is a rather sound, empirical, evidence-based arguer.  Conservatives in almost knee-jerk reaction label him anti-American and pit him in some group.  It's kind of like George Bush's, "You are either for us or against us."  Well, no.  What conservatives don't understand is that no nation, class, race, and religion is more important than the human being.  That's rather important to understand.  Unfortunately, those who despise Chomsky yet have no counterargument commit a dangerous sin.  Chomsky has no team.  When he sees injustice, he calls it out.  When he sees the flourishing of humanity, he levies just praise.  People need to have principles, but too many root for certain teams.
  • @dojinho
    Mr. Chomsky makes a perfectly valid point about personal responsibility that most people tend to forget : we are responsible for what we can affect, no more, no less. The question is, how far are we willing to dive in to fight for any kind of justice in the world? I love this man : I have learned a great deal from him and keep on learning everytime I read his articles or watch one of his presentation/debate.
  • @HarryS77
    "How would the government react to a home in this situation?" We know how. It's called Waco.
  • @mygaffer
    Imagine thinking you could get the better of Noam Chomsky as a young college student.
  • "If we're serious, we should be concerned with what we do, and what we can do. If there's an elementary moral truism, that's it. People don't understand that, they're just not in the moral universe."
  • @brett8402
    Chomsky Schools another Reactionary
  • @Demention94
    Conservative says analogy  Chomsky says facts 
  • @OBGynKenobi
    When reason and logic destroys dogma and jingoism. Chomsky is a master.