Xbox Showcase 2024 Created More Questions Than Answers! Where is Halo? Gaming News

Published 2024-06-11

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Into The AM Clothing :

Best of Xbox Showcase - 0:00
Questionable Trailers - 4:35
Where was Halo? - 9:44
More Questions Than Answers - 15:20
Surprisingly Good Showings - 20:52

Xbox Showcase 2024 Created More Questions Than Answers! Where is Halo? Gaming News
Halo Infinite halo news halo infinite news halo update halo news update halo infinite news update halo infinite update halo infinite updates halo infinite news 2024 halo infinite gameplay halo infinite multiplayer xbox showcase 2024 xbox showcase 2024 black ops 6 perfect dark trailer perfect dark reaction gears of war e day gears of war e day reaction xbox showcase 2024 reaction xbox showcase reaction kevinkoolx halo news 2024 xbox news xbox games gaming news xbox showcase 2024

#Halo #HaloInfinite #xbox #xboxgamesshowcase

All Comments (21)
  • @KevinKoolx
    What was your favorite part of the Xbox Showcase? šŸ’š
  • Iā€™m depressed as hell seeing the way 343 and Microsoft have treated halo after bungie left šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž
  • @startraffick
    Next mailine Halo will be 2026 or 2027 with new hardware.
  • @superpete1988
    A gears prequel looks awesome! The only sad part would be probably no Cole Train šŸ’š
  • @TWolf25
    Stay strong brother, if anyone can wait half a generation for a new game, itā€™s the halo fans šŸ’š
  • Your point about Elder Scrolls 6 is why we're not hearing anything from 343. They said they would only show stuff once its ready and the new leadership has stuck to it. That was basically Infinites' big issue showed and released when it wasn't really ready to be.
  • I think he forgot how Carter in halo reach has a facial redesign from the trailer to the game itself..
  • @saintdave4943
    I was also not expecting to see Halo at the Showcase. I would have been happy with someone at least telling us whatā€™s happening. I doubt weā€™ll get another game until 2026.
  • @Rainmanix
    Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work
  • I think the original Halo creators vision for MP was a huge scale multiplayer war type game mode. Maybe a full on Halo CE remake tries to bring that mode to life as its MP component?
  • @aglet793
    When do all games of call of duty comes to game pass cause bo6 is coming to game pass
  • @bloodrevanx
    I love the Elder Scroll games... but yeah I've given up on that franchise, I have accepted that I'll be old and Grey by the time the next one comes out and then on my grave by the time the next next one comes out
  • @garylococo2401
    Marcus and Dom r in their mid 20s during e day that's y they look kind of different plus Marcus didn't go to prison yet and get that scar yet this was in the very beginning
  • Yeah, Iā€™m honestly honestly just feeling sad and disappointed today. I didnā€™t expect halo to show up at the Xbox event on Sunday, but I did expect Xbox to care more about the franchise that quite literally got them off the ground, and gave them a foot hold in the console market. And not to mention, kept there original release a float, and got the 360 off the ground where it otherwise wouldā€™ve probably failed. When you think of Xbox, you think of halo. Halo is a household name. It was a console seller. And now itā€™s taking a backseat. Halo infinite sold well, got very good reviews, but barely got any post launch support, and apparently the developers have already moved on to a new game. Apparently 343 was very toxic to former bungee developers and wanted nothing to do with them, they wanted to create their own legacy and now all 343 is known for is letting people down. This sucks. I want a new halo trailer that makes people react the way people reacted to gears of war e day. I want to halo game that is complete at launch. I donā€™t want this series to die and turn into the infamous half-life series, where fans have been begging for half-life three for almost 2 decades and still havenā€™t gotten it. I have a bad feeling that that is going to wind up being the future of halo, where people beg and beg and beg for future installments and they just donā€™t get them. As it sits, 343 is a shell of its former self. All of the original directors and developers and leaders have been fired. The company has less than half of the employees it did during halo infinite development. They donā€™t have any Bungie developers on board anymore after they fire Joseph Staton. They barely even have enough people at the studio currently to work on the next halo. Weā€™ve heard rumors about a halo combat evolved remake, a spinoff, FPS halo, title, and of course halo seven. None of those rumors have been confirmed. This really is a dark time to be a halo fan. This is the longest weā€™ve gone without a mention of halo, in regards to a reveal or a trailer for a new game. Itā€™s hard to stay positive right now. And itā€™s even more hard when thereā€™s people at 343 calling us ungrateful. One of the greatest franchises in gaming is currently being over overseen by developers that hate the fans and hate the original legacy and the people who created the original legacy. I think most of all Iā€™m just more disappointed in Microsoft. A few years ago, Phil Spencer said that if they lose their way with halo, they will lose their way with Xbox. Well, they lost their way with halo, and now according to rumors a lot of Xbox games are going multi platform, which means the Xbox brand is now officially dying. There is no sugarcoating it. So itā€™s extremely hard to be positive right now.
  • @suripto746
    Maybe we got teaser on game awards ā¤
  • @metamuse42
    Halo didnā€™t say theyā€™d be there and Halo fans are still upset. Itā€™s only been 2.5 years since infinite released