Beginner's Guide to the Bash Terminal

Published 2017-03-02
This video is a crash course to help new users get started with BASH. Here is a list of the commands we'll cover:



ls - list directory contents
pwd - print name of current/working directory
cd - change working directory
pushd/popd - put working directory on a stack
file - determine file type
locate - find files by name
updatedb - update database for locate
which - locate a command
history - display bash command history


whatis - display the on-line manual descriptions
apropos - search the manual page names and descriptions
man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals


mkdir - create a directory/make directories
touch - change file timestamps/create empty files
cp - copy files and directories
mv - move (rename) files
rm - remove files or directories
rmdir - remove empty directories


cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
more/less - file perusal filter for crt viewing
nano - command line text editor


sudo - execute a command as superuser
su - change user ID or become another user
users - print the user names of users currently logged in
id - print real and effective user and group IDs


chmod - change permissions of a file


Ctrl+C - kill a running command
killall - kill processes by name
exit - log out of bash


Ctrl+D - signal bash that there is no more input
Ctrl+L - redraw the screen
Ctrl++ - make text bigger in terminal emulator
Ctrl+- - make text smaller in terminal emulator

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All Comments (21)
  • @RKBibleStudy
    I'm about to give you an unusual complement. I live in Nashville where obviously there are a lot of songwriters. I actually am very close to some people who have written some big hit songs. one thing I know about songwriting is that you have to keep the song moving forward continually. In other words, you can't just hover over one idea for a long time. You should always keep the story moving forward, the next event always progressing from the last event especially if you're telling a story of course, and making it very understandable to the listener. Your lessons flow very much like a well-written song. You're an excellent orator, and your lessons flow from one thing to another in a very logical way. I just thought I'd put that out there. I'm very appreciative of the work you do to get these videos out there. I don't know why, but I am really into Linux very much. I just thought I'd pass that along. God bless.
  • @jw24119
    why would anyone dislike this video? This man spent hours trying to teach us and he did a great job.
  • @waliboy3382
    Based on 50 years of using computers (mainframes the size of tennis courts!) and 25 years of PCs and 15 years of searching through poorly produced instructional videos I have to say that this is, without doubt, the best that I have seen on any subject. Well scripted, well presented and incredibly helpful. Thank you!
  • @EzeeLinux
    FOR THE PEDANTIC PEOPLE: No, BASH is not a Terminal, It is a Shell. I explain that in the video. The title is constructed to be searchable, not taken literally. Since I have clarified this in the comment section already, there is no need for you to do so. Thanks. :)
  • @GunnerJoe93
    Wow I've been reading a book on Bash commands. This video couldn't have come at a better time! I was thinking of the hours I would've wasted learning all the non-essential stuff from a 1000 page book.
  • @fernandoc6578
    This was my first video of Linux. After two years working with it almost as a daily driver I can tell that this is for sure one of the most useful and comprehensible video-tutorial of everything I've learn in my entire life. Congrats Joe👍
  • @CharlesChoMD
    I've been using command line to do small things but this video gave me more understanding. Thanks
  • @onehungrygeek
    Holy cow I appreciate you using a dark terminal. I watched this thing on my bed in night. I would have burned my eyes if it were any other color!
  • @helloworld76048
    i love how you don't assume that the person watching knows this or that. this is truly a beginner's guide; you explain everything, even the parts i feel other tutorials would skip. i've been using bash for almost a year now and there was still so much that i had no idea of, or that i did know how to use but didn't know how it worked. this crash course was a massive insight into all that. thank you for the great video!
  • Joe, I have been landing on your videos for years whenever I was in need of something specific and you always seem to have a tutorial in your inimitable style. No more a lurker, you have a brand new subscriber!
  • @Hedgehog-ji1bm
    As a long time UNIX & Linux user/admin, I have to say this is one of the best tutorials for new users I have seen in a while. I will certainly recommend it to new users. Great job! 👍🏽
  • Really enjoyed your presentation, Joe. I'd learned some of these commands before. However, to have someone tie them together like that really makes things easier to remember. Thank you for sharing.
  • @Roger-we3co
    2017. I've been missing this video for 4 years! I'm learning for the A+ exam, I'm finding myself really attracted to linux. Even today this info is gold, TY!
  • @amortalbeing
    a tip concerning @10:30 or 11:10 here: whenever you use cd .. to go back, you can use cd - to go forward (to where you were before cd ..) by the way great stuff here. thanks a gazillion times :)
  • @JacobScott0000
    Man, had loads of fun following along on Terminal. Cheers!
  • @MartaZagrajek
    "your life will never be the same again" beautiful! Thank You. I have learned a lot.
  • @macybrigmon8166
    UGHHHH THANK YOUUU. a lot of tutorials i find move so slow, this is amazing!!!
  • God damn, dude. This was one of the best things I've ever seen on youtube. I swear to god the progression, flow & order of this tutorial is so flawless & perfect it's hard to believe a human being came up with it.
  • @bovrar2nd861
    Thank you very much sir, I was really needing that didactic approach to the terminal. The fear of the unknown vanishes with valuable information.