Adventure along the Blue Slough Trail 6 12 21

Published 2021-06-18
I've taken this trail near Cosmopolis Washington many times (I even have another video of it from earlier in 2021, see my other files for the riding conditions on a better day!)
I compressed the video to x4 speed for most of it, and used the image stabilizer to decrease the shakiness, but I realize it's still not an ideal video, it might make some people dizzy, sorry. I just wanted to be able to share the film even though it's not perfect.

... So, on Saturday June 12th Cari and I were riding the "Ride the Harbor, Tour de Wellness" ride and the route was along the road that parallels the trail. The road is a bit winding and narrow. My famous last words - Lets take the trail instead!
I've been on the trail a few times when it was a bit overgrown, and that was what I was kinda expecting,... but never imagined that it would be anything like this.
We were about ¾ mile in before it got bad and we thought that it would get better so we didn't turn around like people with common sense would have but rather pushed forward instead. Ugh!
We came out on the other side soaking wet, grasses and twigs in our bike gears, blackberry brambles had drawn blood in 3 places on my arms and legs. Luckily we managed to not get any of the toxic sap from the [either Cow Parsnip which simply causes photosensitivity or Giant Hogweed which causes 3rd degree burns, they look very similar, the big busy leaves with the white flower tops] on our arms or legs!
I felt bad because this was Cari's first experience on the trail and, well, it was pretty terrible! I hope I'm forgiven, I think I am, but might not be allowed to make routing decisions any time soon again!
I sure wish it was better maintained, it's a great asset to our community. I'm still working on finding out who it is that is in charge of maintaining it - county, DNR, who? I'd go out and work on it myself but I don't have the kind of tools needed for that kind of heavy duty trimming...
Video filmed using my Cycliq Fly12 Camera / light.

All Comments (3)
  • @DadBodBiker
    Boy, you weren't kidding about it being like a jungle!
  • @DadBodBiker
    I might need to take a machete with me when I walk it!!