WoW Cataclysm Guide - Archaeology

Published 2010-09-11 - Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around.

Archaeology is a new secondary profession like fishing and first aid that everyone can learn. In this video, I explain exactly how it works, what you'll get from it and answer some frequently asked questions about it as well as show you it in action.

All Comments (21)
  • @kylemarston6822
    So this came up randomly to hit me right in the feels. Miss you TotalBiscuit
  • @DeathJest
    Glad Cata Classic Pre-Patch brought me by. RIP Sir.
  • @MimiPipoo
    Crazy to think this dude got me into WoW and here I am a decade later looking to find the first video I watched.
  • @larssonarobin
    "pools of tears, on the forums whenever my name is mentioned...". I miss you TotalBiscuit. RIP.
  • @neithskye
    Totally agreed. I really enjoyed Archaeology. I loved exploring, so really enjoyed visiting all the areas. And some of the items were amazing. My Vrykyl Drinking Horn was a blast. And since all my characters were healers, Tyrande's Favorite Doll was amazing to have back in my level 85 raiding days. Great guide.
  • @draginath
    I really like it. Simple in concept yet complex in application. I feel there is just so much they can do with it and its easy to pick up and enjoy. I think this can really give players a greater appreciation for the content and environment. Just the other day, I decided to mess around on an alt just to take in some of the questing on Kalimdor. There is just so much vibrance and passion put into content outside of raids that goes unappreciated that I think this will really help rectify.
  • @cynicalbrit
    @jgmtiger Are you asking what the point of flying in Azeroth is? ...
  • @MissTomi
    Day One: YAAAY Archeology! Im gonna find so many trasure! Day Two: Screw it, im gonna exp fishing
  • @Ingvartsen
    Ohh I miss him so very much. Rest in peace John Bain you absolute legend!
  • @Wizpire
    Thank you for making these videos about Cata... they are one of the few things keeping me sane while I patiently wait for the release :)
  • @cynicalbrit
    @JboyCompany You didn't see it surrounding every dig site on the zone map? I showed it several times..
  • @LadyMaraSedai
    I can hardly wait! I think Archaeology is what I am looking forward to the most. Thanks again for the info.
  • @Jagethemage
    THANK GOD!! i've been looking for a Sham-wow advertisement for ages, so i can purchase one!! THANK YOU VINCE! for finally coming to me after months of searching!
  • @xxodus7
    Thanks total biscuit, this has been very insightful! I hope my 80 priest will be able to use this in the spare time between raids and groups.
  • @EonofAeon
    Nice vid. I definitely can agree with your points. And being the lore/explorer nut I am thanks to my early EQ days...I'm SO going to enjoy Archeology....But beyond that...I think I'll legitimately enjoy it because, like the random weekly 'kill such n such' quests that both GW and WoW have....This doesn't killing, it doesn't require grouping or a quest, and you can do it a bit at a time and still make progress towards it...I DEFINITELY look forward to this profession. GJ on the vid.
  • @Haggis025
    Very cool. I think I'm going spend some time with this while I wait for the new zones to get less crowded.
  • @KoiaKiss
    Ooo this looks like i'm going to have alot of fun with this profession! It reminds me alittle bit of the collectable items you can get in EQ2,only gathering them up like this seems way more fun. I'm curious what items blizz will surprise us with,i allready read up on mmo-champion that there is a mount and a minipet. This video makes me very happy!
  • @LyleShnub
    I tried to look at ComputerTutorialsTV3's channel for some lols, but apparently it's closed now. Did TB just smite it down?