Ajovy shot #10 and TBI recovery updates October 2019

Published 2019-10-11
I forgot to post my video! I really hope these are helpful to others with migraines or PCS or TBI.

This has been a long, hard road- much longer and harder than I'd anticipated. It's been 20 months since my accident and 'm still having constant concussion symptoms and migraines. I've had a migraine disorder since childhood but they were mostly under control before this accident.

I started Ajovy last December, I think. I have severe migraines (7 to 10 on a pain scale of 10) a little less than half of the time now rather than all the time.

I was working with a new pain management team for a while but found them only somewhat helpful in reducing pain. I just completed 10 sessions with a physical therapist with experience treating TBI survivors and am hopeful I can get more sessions without waiting too long. It seems like it's been helping.

Please share my GoFundMe campaign to raise money for expenses and treatments not covered by Medicaid: www.gofundme.com/f/kats-recovery-fund?sharetype=te…

Light and love,
Kat Blue

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