Published 2024-06-18

In 2015, aged 47 an English businessman gave up everything and travelled Asia to find true happiness. Now a Buddhist Monk, living a simple life in Thailand, India and Sri Lanka, he shares the continuing story.

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Phra Dan (Bhante Dhammarakkhita, Bhikkhu) is a Theravada Buddhist Monk who lived in India from 2020, Thailand and now Sri Lanka. Born in Sussex, England in 1967. Educated by French Catholic Monks. A successful businessman in Estate Agency and Financial Services during the 1980's and 90's. Married, now divorced with 3 adult sons. 2000 marked change and travel including South Africa returning to the UK in 2003 to continue different work and business activities until 2012. Gradually materialistic values turned to renunciation, simplicity and meditation, living nomadically in an old Ford Transit van full time for 3 years. Van life and meditation led to Buddhism and a Thai Forest Tradition, Theravada Buddhist Monastery in the UK. During 2015 travelling the Buddhist Holy Sites of India, deep faith reinforced desire for Ordination. In 2020 after 5 years of intensive meditation practice between Thai Forest Monasteries in Thailand and England he was Ordained in India where he lived for 3 years until returning to Thailand in 2023 and now Sri Lanka.

Sabe Satta Sukhi Hontu


All Comments (14)
  • @brianbruce4135
    Good morning Ajahn, I am grateful for your presence. I start each day with your sunrise puja. I practice alone in France. I find myself disenchanted with society and people. I am retired on disability. I wish there was a Theravada sangha here in Lyon. It feels a bit isolated. I guess this is a normal development of my practice. I have visited monasteries in England. Do you have any advice?
  • @ranjith8119
    Om mani padme hum. I don't know how to control my emotions, Even though I do practice mindfulness meditation, emotions always gets me. That suffering, anger, hate, greed always wins. Kindly teach some ways to control those emotions, selfish feelings, and how to not judge whatever I came across. Thank you.
  • @stevebelzer4758
    If you lived in a VAN in UK for three years - not a “householder “ a working professional - a Head of Household or Husband Then you were PERFECTLY prepared and positioned to become a successful ordained MONK
  • Can I as your advice for getting your legs flexible enough to sit in full lotus position? Appologies if you've covered this before. Great talk as always. We really appreciate your videos.
  • I have a question: How do we deal with narcissistic family members and colleagues? Practising becomes difficult with the amount of unnecessary pain and frustration they bring to my already difficult life, dealing with chronic pain and severe depression on a daily basis.
  • @lonewolf4111
    Thank you Bhante, The thing im wrestling with is. impermanence isnt that the reason we lose hair,skin,nails? fragments of hair, skin ETC contain molecules and those molecules dont disappear they take on other forms and so on for eternity. So I kinda wonder if these proton neutrons electrons are really what makes up human consciousness ? Where does consciousness come from? How can there be consciousness with impermanence? i cant find any physical evidence of where the actual consciousness can be found in any science papers.
  • @BanAaron
    How would you suggest a Westerner who is used to a more "structured" religion start/become/convert to Buddhism? As a Westerner I feel that we are very acclimatised to religions with central texts and structures. If you want to become a Muslim you go read the Quran, a Christian the Bible, a Jew the Torah. You go to a Mosque, Church, or Synagogue on a set day. If you're a Christian you can get baptised, etc. I hope you understand my point. I am unsure how or where to start with Buddhism because there isn't one book you should read to get started or a set path to follow. Thank you
  • There are also no Theravada monasteries in my country. When I'm of age, I'm going to move country to ordain. Should I start saving up before I'm of age?
  • @teefreund8592
    Hello again, Do you interpretate the atanatiya sutta literally or metaphorically ? Also do you think you achieved being a sotapanna, or if not you think you will be one in this life ? Have a nice day and stay well