Another Star Trek Series Cancelled!!! Is The Franchise In Decline Or Ready For Rebirth?!?!

Published 2024-04-17
Hey Everyone and Welcome to What Did I Miss, where today I will be sharing some good news and some bad for Star Trek fans, after Paramount revealed the fate of both Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks. It is crazy to think that just two years ago, there were five new series being produced by Paramount for the franchise, with the studio also teasing a new movie with a release date. Flash forward two years and fans have yet to see any new films from the studio and now only one of those five series will be producing content after this year. So I am going to go over this news but also take a look at the state of the franchise and decide if maybe Star Trek’s best days are behind them.

#startrekstrangenewworlds #startreklowerdecks #startreknews

All Comments (21)
  • @wblsdan2
    I am very happy with Strange New Worlds!
  • @kathyrhode6252
    I’m glad Strange New Worlds is being continued. Great!
  • Star Trek is all about a hope for a better future for humanity. So, as long as there is a hope for a better future (which will there will always be), there will always be Star Trek.
  • @Emanon...
    Strange New Worlds is great! Glad to see it continue!
  • @edl653
    Discover, Lower Decks and Picard have run their course. Strange New Worlds will give us 3 more season or more I hope.
  • Strange new worlds is fantastic love. The series and the actors that play the parts very good work
  • @justinmartin845
    I love how the show we asked for is doing well, maybe they should take a hint and do it again with legacies instead of continuing to ignore the fan base and make something no one asked for.
  • @TrekTrav
    It's not a franchise in decline. It's a studios streaming service cutting costs.
  • @trevoreb
    Lower Decks is the only current series that gets better with every rewatch. Even the first season which I struggled with I now appreciate and have watched all episodes at least 3 times. Ok, except the bird episode S03E07. Love all the characters, the story arcs and because of that, love the ship. I’m glad SNW gets 2 more seasons but I want Lower Decks!
  • @schmodedo
    I like the idea of it being cyclical. People need to realize that, like the Star Wars universe, we have had a whole lot of Star Trek in one form and/or another for quite some time now. I was a fan of TOS in the 70s. Then we got the film franchise, then TNG in the 80s. Then DS9 and Voyager and Enterprise along with more films and a new timeline. Plus, some really excellent fan productions. I've enjoyed it all. We can debate about which series, movie, character etc. is better or worse, or we can all revel in the fact that we have been blessed with so much content. Beam me up! P.S. edited to add that while I did not acknowledge the newest series, it is because I have not watched them other than SNW season 1 (which was phenomenal). But I will not pay for yet another streaming service at the moment.
  • @richardmark9161
    Star Trek, the original series was always popular. The reason it was canceled is because it started getting too expensive. It was going to be canceled after the second season. The fans demanded that it went on. Seeing that it was going to get even more expensive, the budget was reduced drastically. That is when the ratings started to dip and that was their justification to cancel the series. The slashing the budget they sabotaged the third season to have an excuse to cancel it. The original series continued in animated form and made its biggest success in syndication then, of course subsequent films and follow up series and all of the merchandise. Almost 60 years of success. The original series was always and still is popular.
  • @naytron210
    Strange New Worlds is definitely the best Trek we've had in many, many years. Very glad to hear it's going to continue.
  • Strange New Worlds is surprisingly good. It's one of the best Star Trek spinoffs I've seen
  • Not going to miss Discovery but dang, cancelling Lower Decks too! That sucks.
  • @pdxthomas
    Good to know that SNW still has a future! The "Tales of The Federation' concept could very well have been among the best new series in a long time. Tragic waste of an idea.
  • My thoughts are this. When next gen, DS9, and Voyager was on it was all set in roughly the same timeline. The first problem is instead of Discovery being set a few decades later say in the 25th century it was set in the 23rd century. Then they travel to the 32nd century. Then Strange New Worlds premiers and they are in the 23rd century. This flip flopping timeline is the first problem. The second problem is the way the 23rd century technology is shown. It's too high tech looking. Not saying that some of our real world technology couldn't be applied to represent 23rd century tech but most of it is just too high tech looking. It should have looked more like a cross between the original series with just a small dash of early next gen series design thrown in. In the Enterprise 2 part episode In A Mirror Darkly the way the 23rd Century Defiant was shown was excellent. Some of the original props, set designs and the Defiant itself was upgraded slightly to reflect our advances in real world early 2000's technology but not so much to make it look too high tech. I remember when Episode 1 of Discovery was shown. The Shenzhou was way too advanced looking inside and out. Then when the Enterprise interior was shown in the Discovery episode it was way overdone, cluttered and way too high tech looking. Now comes the aliens. Klingons weren't broke so why did they have to change them? I can understand no hair because they still had traces of the modified augment DNA in their bodies but why did the heads have to be so big? Don't even get me started on the way they pronounced Kahless, Kahlesh??? WTF? Paramount/CBS this is why Trek is broken.The Picard series was a trainwreck. Season 1 was just barely ok, but after that it when downhill fast. Don't even try and have a Star Trek 4 movie. Scrap Discovery, Strange New Worlds and the Kelvin timeline movies. Make a series set in the early 25th century say starting in 2420 and only have one series at a time and no more cartoon trek and short treks. An occasional flashback episode is ok but no more flip flopping back and forth between multiple series. One of your biggest mistakes after Enterprise was cancelled was not showing a series about the Earth Romulan war. That would have been great.
  • @mrcatchingup
    "Seasons" that some shows these days keep as short as only 6 episodes a year. We need shows with writing good enough that we start getting shows with 20 episodes a season.
  • @whya2ndaccount
    Great - As long as there are no more cross-overs, musicals and Klingon Boy Bands.