Dark Sus - Final Finale

Published 2022-11-04
And they all died happily ever after.

All Comments (21)
  • @JoeFilms5420
    It was beautiful while it lasted, we shall miss Dark Sus... ...but it shall live on in our hearts.
    2:06 im so happy to witness the first dark souls player in history to have kids
  • Not a more fitting ending than Charby killing everyone with the heavy attack dragontooth.
  • @dred2997
    Idk if it’s possible inferno but please code Ds2 Turncoats into existence. There’s so many areas and bosses and paths I feel like it would be perfect for you guys. I really don’t want to see this series end yet!
  • @CIoudStriker
    The real traitor was the Charborg we met along the way <3
  • Great series. I really enjoyed it. Kinda sad to see it ended, but maybe DS2 TTS will be a thing in the future. Thanks Inferno, for this and for the recent Halo Minecraft mod
  • @Silentguy_
    Strippin raging about being TK’d but actually being the traitor was hilarious
  • @SaikoRhythm
    The four of you have incredible chemistry and I'd love to see you all play more games together.
  • @zaguldo
    This is so sad alexa play Plin Plin Plon.
  • @IndyJay53
    I will miss this series. I hope it makes a return someday
  • @Broscarf
    I love me some dark sus. Truly a gift that keeps on giving
  • @Derpmind
    This series was so fun and was always a joy when a video came out. I'll miss it.
  • So this is how it ends, not with a bang, but with a slowed-down hamster dance..