Should You Settle Down Or Stay Single In Your 20s? (BOYSCAST CLIPS)

Published 2022-02-22

All Comments (21)
  • Life doesn't follow your rules. You could find a person who will enrich your life at any age, or you may never find yourself able to do that. Don't do what so many Western Women do, "casually date" for as long as you can till your hypothetical "settling down" partner will be ready and waiting for you.
  • @luibond9418
    I’m 26 and my ex was great, meaningful relationship too but I was def in that spot were I couldn’t help but fantasize about being single. I managed to end it . It’s been a couple of months since but nowadays I have days were I think to myself she was perfect marriage material and others were I think I did the right thing. The self doubt never ends and it always feels like the grass is greener on the other side
  • @Person-ro6uh
    Gladly met my partner at 20, she was 19. 2022 will be six years! Some people still desire monogamy instead of the whole banging chicks lifestyle. It's pretty fun.
  • Good guest. He really knows how to reel in the conversation when it gets out there.
  • @RwandaBob
    i’m just not concerned about it anymore after i spoke with my uncle he was a bachelor until his 50s, when he found a wonderful woman to marry. he never had kids, but has always had two dogs. he’s one of the most satisfied and happy people i know.
  • @jon4715
    Honestly, finding the right, high quality girl in your 20's is a much better approach to life. Life moves fast and is short, you don't realize that in your 20's. Find someone when you're in your late 20's imo.
  • The problem with ticking the boxes is that, even if you do sleep with that Brazilian beauty, she is still not the next Brazilian hottie you see and you will wonder what she would be like, too. Eventually all the categories essentially evolve (dissolve) into very specific particulars and you are left with your desires on an individual basis, which renders effective box ticking impossible due to sheer numbers.
  • I know and have met a lot of people who have lived wild Iives and traveled and partied and went on adventure and 9.9/10 they're never happy. They're always either chasing the next high or running from regrets or living in the past. Both men and women. A common theme among the older people I know who have lived that life style is many of them regret not settling down with the man or women who got away or not spending enough time with family, children or friends. They're usually very selfish and self centered people who never get out of their childish faze for fear of missing out.
  • Suggestion: The Boys should not do coke before the show. They get too hyper and the guest can't ever finish a sentence.
  • I've never seen it this way. If you find someone you love, then settle down with her. If you don't love them, don't settle down. Don't think of it in terms of "value" or "opportunity cost." If you love them,, then you ought to settle down and start building your life together. Either way, don't try and force a square peg into a round hole.
  • @Patrick-ot9kn
    I left a good one when I was 23. With four others that were not great lol. Now 33. Next good one with the same outlook/mindset/attraction I'm ready to make a deal. This dating market is fucked.
  • @jeremiahmud
    How about think about love instead of value
  • @spaomalley
    I’m 33. Since about 21yo I’ve had a steeply declining interest in relationships and sex. I just don’t care about any of it really. I don’t watch porn. I JO maybe once every 1.5 months max. I’ve had my testosterone levels tested by a licensed endocrinologist and I actually have very high levels. I don’t know why things are the way they are.
  • @1donniekak
    My kids were grown and out of the house by the time I turned 42. It’s wonderful. Who wants to watch energetic kids into their 50’s?
  • @maxdickings6874
    Clever. You know I only watch the short clips and you’re gradually making them longer so I start listening to full episodes. Well it’s probably working!
  • depends what you want. If your planning long term and dont care about having kids then just dont marry or get anyone pregnant - divorce and/or child support are not fun and will limit your potential sadly. Have a shed load of fun in your 20s, enjoy your friends while they're still interesting, just use that time to make memories, if you find someone who's right for you then plans will change regardless. If you dont meet that special one then rubber up and just have a laugh. most important though is protect your money. being 20s and broke can be fun if you got good people, being broke and 30s can get really tough and hard to escape. Rent is a huge waste, get on the property ladder even if its a sh*t house in a sh*t area as soon as you can. Buy with friends or family if you have to. If I was renting my house itd be over twice the cost of my mortgage per month for instance - i spent so much on rent over the years its scary. thats the one thing with hind sight i'd tell a younger me. you'll get trapped in renting and burning cash if you don't force a way out, which i know isn't always possible. Thats all because if you get to 30 with a house, a job, a car and no dependants as a guy The Promised Land you'll attract a lot of women that would otherwise be unattainable (if you have kids an ex and rent a shitty flat and ride the bus) that's just a fact. Its not for everyone, but i love the single life and pre covid i wouldnt have changed it for the world. it sucked through lockdown, and it might be nice when i get to 50 to find a hot younger wife to start a family with if not before, but for now life is pretty good for a single guy i'd say.
  • I’ve certainly felt this. I’m 25 and just starting to find my stride. Part of me wants to just date one girl and settle into a relationship while other parts just want to travel the world and chase adventure. I’d say it’s far more likely that I’ll be choosing that 2nd option for the foreseeable future but that pull to look for the right women and settle into another type of life is always tempting. I know eventually I want to do this but it really is ticking off that bucket list of things that are far easier to tick off whilst single.
  • There is no right age range to base off of, there’s no set rules. Work on yourself and be the best man you can be and push anything/anyone negative away from you. You cannot find the best woman for you if you’re not the best reflection of yourself. You can find her at 22 or 32. Sometimes it takes living life a little to become the best of yourself. I’m 24 y/o and getting better at making myself feel happy.
  • @CamKnoppMusic
    I think no matter what you do theres always gonna be stuff that you regret not doing and have a desire for that can never be fulfilled. Thats one of the main points in certain Eastern philosophy.
  • I'd marry any girl that I can vibe with, problem is that she is really good at hide and seek.