Elissa Epel - How Do Human Brains Function?

Published 2020-08-27
What is it about human brains that enable both the regulation of bodily activities and the generation of mental thoughts? What are the mechanisms of human brain function? How do they integrate to give the sense of mental unity? What happens when something in the brain goes wrong—abnormalities, injury, disease? What is the future of brain science?

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Elissa Epel is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco.

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All Comments (14)
  • @_a.z
    Very interesting but was the video correctly titled?
  • The problem is that most people are caught in the web of how brains work, both as living things and from a mechanistic perspective. They take for granted many aspects of themselves including their thoughts. I find that there is much more to the brain than just anatomy. The fact of the matter is, when it comes down to brains (and minds) they are primarily about information. Humans are, to me at least, information machines. They have evolved in such a way that they can take in large amounts of information and process it. In the process, they have also evolved to make sense of their world and understand it. This is accomplished by creating a virtual representation in their minds. In the end, human brains are simply large and complex information processing systems. When we look into them, we see a lot of things including neurons, synapses and so forth.
  • @lsporter88
    Extremely important exposition and clarification of these issues of Mental Conditioning and Human Physiology. Awareness and control of these issues is key to the future progression of our species. Superb conversation.
  • @Zen_Power
    Neuro net processor. Cyberdyne Systems, Model 101. cybernetic organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.
  • @xspotbox4400
    What is food and what do we mean by eating, this questions are most important of all in science. Half of any national budget goes into farming and food production, no matter how or where people live, regardless of political or economic system they live in. It's because only food is not free anymore in this world, water is going in same direction, but other living conditions are part of natural world and are in abundance everywhere we go basically. But not food, not anymore, since humans easy get poisoned and sick from substances they intake into our bodies. Industrial plants must grow separate from wild sorts or their pollen would germinate them, so yield from food would be less per weight and time necessary for growth, wild plants also attract all kinds of bugs and microbes we don't want in our food. So farmers eliminated every single wild food plant in vicinity of their farms, now food doesn't grow everywhere in nature no more, but is produced in larger quantities and contain more digestible chemical compounds. Problem is, you can't go and pick up food in wilderness anymore, we all depend on economy and it depend on political and social relations we are forced into if we don't want to starve. Other reason we can't live from wild food is our digestive system, we are fed with industrial ingredients from our childhood, our body would need a lot of time to adopt, but we could still live on natural food, in principle. If you don't mind dying at age of 40, that is, controlled food consumption is most important reason why we can live that much longer, on average. People were dreaming world like we live in today for thousands of years, nobody believed hunger could be eliminated from this world and food will became so available, tasting so good. Actually this is not true, wild fruits has much more distinct aroma, but it's because only part of eatable plant is actually easy to digest. Food must contain ingredients body brake down easy, aromas can be manufactured by cooking, so best food doesn't need to have any distinct taste to be healthy and efficient. Reasons for obesity are entirely social and cultural, why do we have regular meals, why do we need to eat everything that fit in those plates, it's social habit, not what our body wants. Eat when you're hungry and stay fit because you want to enjoy freedom of movement and experience pleasurable sensations, not because you might die from hunger if you don't or you need food like junky need his drugs. All energy demands can be expressed in watts, those can be derived from joules or horse power, but it's still the same energy than allow our material body to move and also thing hard. She is right in this respect, nobody wants to talk about how some people are forced to live, against their free will and sound judgment, those class problems are to hard from modern society, i guess.
  • @xspotbox4400
    Wait a minute, not sure i heard that correctly at the end of a video, but it sounded like she was saying helping fat pregnant woman to lose weight affects development of their unborn babies. This is totally not true, psycho physical health can affect growth, but most certainly doesn't cause any extra genetic predispositions simply because growth stage is predetermined in advance. It's in the DNA of fertilized egg, this code doesn't change, no matter what mother eats or what is her psychological state of mind, provided it's normal, healthy food. Lack of certain nutrients might cause problems for a baby, because it doesn't eat with it's organs but must absorb nutrients trough mothers blood. Every child begin like an organ in mothers body, it's not separated thing from her up to the moment of birth, when cord is cut and baby must fed itself, starting with drinking her breast milk. Baby might get born with health issues, but they reflect in physical composition of organs, not in some weird compulsory habits. Organs that doesn't function as they should use less chemical energy from food, this is also true, but those are bio mechanical problems, doesn't have anything to do with obesity or psychological predispositions. She is not telling the truth, if her experiments show expected variations, than her scientific model must be wrong and i'm surprised who funds that flawed research. People who invest money into science must understand science first or anything could be founded and we wouldn't have many new discoveries, just a lot of word salad.
  • Ok can this man get off YouTube and actually make some full length documentaries. I mean jesus the algorithm really isn’t in favor of him.
  • @IAM0973D3
    Complexity of the Human body. For me I eat one meal a day and it’s not always healthy what I eat. 47 and on no medications. My opinion is humans are like plants; give to much nutrients you kill the plant and not enough can kill the plant. Control your stress/emotions, which can be difficult with society of today?
  • @jeffamos9854
    All I can think of is Elissa is easy on the eyes. Forgot what she was talking about.