Top 9 Best Guns and Weapons for Equpping or Giving to Settlers in Fallout 4 #PumaCounts

Published 2017-10-24
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Hey guys, back with another Fallout 4 video and today, I wanted to go over some of what I think are among the best guns and weapons to give or equip to your settlers in Fallout 4! I think these items are among the best items to equip to your settlers to help them repel threats.

As always, if you liked this video, feel free to leave a like and let me know what you think of this video!

All Comments (21)
  • @proselyteethan
    Raider Boss: Alright boys and girls, lets get us some loot! - Settlers whip out Gatling lasers and nuclear grenades - Raider Boss: Tha fu-
  • @yunpeiyang4904
    Just witnessed my settlers annihilate a band of raiders with auto combat rifles, laser rifles, and assault rifles. Then one guy approaches: " I'm glad you're here. We could really use your help." Me: ...... -_-
  • @kleindropper
    The problem with gatling lasers is if you give a settler a fusion core, they like to steal your power armor!
  • @Eric_Malkav
    Explosives can destroy resource-gathering objects, like farms, purifiers, and power generators. Also kills other settlers. Definitely not recommended.
  • I don't trust followers or settlers with grenades since that one time Piper wrecked my damn Power Armour by throwing a grenade at the radroach in front of me.
  • @Jimboola
    I go for practicality first. I look to give all normal settlers lazer rifles & all 'guards' plasma rifles. Make them automatic & with the 'burn' effect. That way you always know where an attack is coming from due to being able to SEE the shots & when they hit they 'light up' the enemy with the burn effect. I came across this strategy in Far Harbor when everything was too foggy & I could not see where the attacks were coming from half the time!
  • I learned to not give settlers anything explosive, since they often ended up exploding each other, or me. I also tend to go for automatic receivers for my settlers' guns, because they make up for the lower damage per shot with increased volume of fire and their infinite ammo (MOAR DAKKA!!)
  • @SinnerBeta
    Flamers for everyone ! Alternatively: Triggermen clothes, baseball bats, tommy guns and molotov cocktails - let's see who tries to be a wiseguy and invade a settlement that belong to the Family.
  • @Donbd83
    I turned my settlers into an army with different ranks and functions. Enlisted grunts who took care of the food and farming on their free time wore the standard BOS uniform, the military cap often found on gunners and sunglasses. They were equipped with automatic laser rifles, frag grenades, 1 stimpack, and a stun rod. Medic wore the white doctors BOS uniform, sunglasses and admiral hat. Also equipped with a automatic laser rifle, 5 stimpacks, various chems and a combat knife. Sniper wore blue BOS captain uniform, grey knit cap with sunglasses. Plasma grenades, stealth boy, stimpacks, plasma sniper rifle and a stealth combat knife. Colonel wore blue BOS captain uniform, BOS captain hat and sunglasses. Plasma grenades, auto plasma rifle, revolutionary sword and stimpacks. Also has a suit of power armor close-by T-60 variant. Standard soldiers were broken down into three separate groups long range, heavy gunner, and assault troops. All wore army fatigues with heavy combat armor & helmets + wrap around googles except for the long range troops who wore the military cap+sunglasses and a heavy leather chestpiece instead of combat armor all dyed black. They all were equipped with plasma grenades, stimpacks, serrated machete, combat knife. The long range fighters were equipped with gauss rifles, the assault troops automatic plasma rifles, and heavy gunners gatlin lasers. Also there was a melee variant for the chubby settlers that were equipped with power fists. Infiltrators wore corsers uniform, military cap and sunglasses. Full auto plasma rifle, plasma grenades, stealth boy, stimpacks and stealth combat knife. Special forces wore green BOS uniform with heavy combat armor dyed white and synth helmets. They used a mixture of sniper and fully automatic plasma rifles, plasma grenades, stimpacks, and electified Chinese swords. It was fun to watch the final battle with the BOS as they tried to get land their Osprey into Fort Warren, they never stood a chance.
  • @adamndirtyape
    For fun, I gave all the settlers in one settlement MIRV nuke launchers, then watched what happened when they were attacked. But what I ended up looking at was my desktop after the insane flurry of nukes caused a CTD. Ah, good times.
  • @JesterAzazel
    I never gave them guns because I didn't know they get infinite ammo for anything but their original gun. This changes everything!
  • @Trifler500
    It doesn't belong on the top 9 list, but one thing you can do is give the Assaultron Head weapon to a ghoul settler, and then the radiation damage it generates won't hurt them. It probably even heals them, but it's hard to tell for sure.
  • I often prefer to give weapons with rare ammunition to my settlers instead of using it myself; that way I don't have to be constantly scrounging for ammunition. For example, I typically give Jun Long the Cryolater, since I only have to give him one cryocell to make him effective. If I ever end up with a large amount of cryolater ammo, I can "borrow" it from him for a mission, then return it when the ammo runs low.
  • @dawsonpoe
    I would also add laser rifle's a decent weapon for mid-game's also cheaper the higher in game you get
  • @Native_Beats_
    In addition to the handmade rifle being common in the bodies of killed raiders there is also a group of raiders around the wall of the Galactic Zone, or the Western Zone. Those raiders often encounter gunners, super mutants, ghouls, or the occasional death claw. This often leads to casualties among those raiders. So basically, free handmade rifles, and you don't have to betray the raiders. Yet
  • For each settlement/base, I simply mix up some Gatling Lasers, maxed out miniguns, a couple of 50 cal sniper rifles, and the rest mixed between plasma weapons and assault rifles. The Gatling Lasers and Miniguns go to guards equipped with full sets of Heavy Combat Armor, the 50 cal sniper rifles go to a couple people up in towers, and the rest of working settlers get the mix of assault rifles and plasma weapons. I never allow my settlers to have grenades for one simple reason: They ruin all sorts of things throwing them everywhere. Your crops will get ruined, stored will have to be repaired, and forget anything you tried to set up to look nice. Never give settlers grenades unless you want to repair things often. Same goes for missile launchers and fat man launchers.
  • @dunewizard
    OK, looking at your list, my critique: #9 Only good because plentiful, thus worthless #8 Miniguns are low DPS at any level, by the time they are available (beyond the one you get for saving Preston and ruining your life) they hardly do enough damage to warrant the weight for looting them. #7 Grenades cause high damage friendly fire, trashes crops, and other settlers. Often they get thrown at you by your own settlers. #6 DLC Required, ignore if you play vanilla. #5 See #7, now double the stupidity of giving them to NPCs #4 See #6, different DLC, same situation. #3 Again, See #'s 7 and 5, and remember your settlers don't care where you are when they throw grenades, at all. #2 Solid Choice, definitely worth being on this list. #1 Stupidly rare, but very powerful. Makes a great light show. Eats Ghouls and Super Mutants. My Suggestions/Opinions: #7 10mm Automatic Pistol - cheap and easy to upgrade, plentiful and causes settlers to instinctively spread out which limits the effects of AOE against them (flamers, grenades, ect) #6 Sub-Machine Guns - Nothing like a little rat-ta-tat from the old sewing machine to turn a bunch of raiders into piles of loot. #5 Automatic Combat Rifle - Still only does physical damage like the 10mm, but packs a punch. As mentioned in the video, rifles tend to make the settler AI find hard cover, and fire from protective positions. #4 Automatic Laser Rifles - Energy Damage, high rate of fire, tears into Super Mutants like a light saber through butter. #3 Automatic Institute Rifles - Just like Laser Rifles, but now in BLUE! #2 Plasma Rifles - As stated in the video, they are awesome hybrid damage. #1 Gauss Rifles - These things are simply nasty, long range, high damage, and the impact spins targets off target, making it harder for them to fire back. Highest base DPS in the game, but 100% physical damage.
  • Armor matters - a fully armored settler will keep shooting a good deal longer. Also, if you go with matching armor for each settlement it is easy to tell friend from foe (and friendly fire from you is one of the few things that can kill a settler). Ballistic Weave + Armor makes for surprisingly beefy settlers for the late game (when you are filthy rich and looking for excuses to turn caps into XP through crafting). The longer the range on the weapon, the further your settlers will engage from. Put on long scopes and they will stay further back. For some settlements (Finch Farm, Abernathy) long range is great. On some others, short range is better so they don't "back up" and put themselves out of the fight (Hangman's Ally, Covenant) behind something. Extra legendary weapons are great choices - except for explosive and wounding. Those two will create friendly fire on you and each other leading to settler deaths and more property damage. Staggering and kneecapping are awesome - but mighty, violent, plasma, and the various slayer types are all good (and ones you probably are not using on your own). If you want to make a "human turret" start with concrete foundations (the barn ones are cheap and extra tall) and some stairs. Put up three guard posts (I prefer the barrier ones from Vault Tec Workshop). Assign your settler, then pull the stairs and surround the block with rails (the ones from the scaffolding work well) and put the stairs away. That keeps the guy up there on this assigned "route" between the three posts and when he engages enemies he cannot run off the tower. Just make sure his weapon has lots of range.