FIRST TIME WATCHING The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | *REACTION/COMMENTARY*

Published 2023-05-21

All Comments (21)
    special thanks to my patreons! <3 Mikel davis Coen ad Brugh malychai johnson Brandon Mccleary Spencer Rose Zacharie Wolden krys11 Dreadful XR Jimmy Gaminglemon096 Noah Alex Kazzyshah Joshua Hein Eli Beats By Mevius Oscar Acosta Jamal Perkins ManakaMammonJason17 Sarah Jewitt A0KiJi Carson Smith Reese Stephens Anthony Hul Sean Moe Rachel Cabot SneakyB4st4rd chris Imani Purple Bean Abigail Srisavath DinChild Christian Gadsden Arnie Cox Kiany Franco justyn kailewa Noah Warner deladela Humberto Perez Isacc Gavin Favre Alan Anthony Salas samuel Jakob Anon596 Sweat4fun ARCphase Joseph Beep ThisIsMrSavage mackpinstripe Chip MC Derick Adderley Josh Felix Mike Patterson Meka Google Gary Batnerd98 DarkWolf9131 _ The Real Zealot jonathan Whyte Noodles http.shad0wzg Taliyah rock Victor Meluc Addablezero Alexis M.M Gamatoy Meg Cheesey Erixk X Matt Whitwer Juanito Mike Haydock Trin Jay Matthews Larry Joshua C Beezley Deception Salvador Cuevas Robert Attaway Mathew Bunch Paul Dunphy Adriel Lezama Michael Gregory Cote Manuel ramos Eduardo Castelan Gsbr Hilm. Sagit Bolat Mihael Hack Enrique Bravo Ignacio daniel zarrian moore Ivan Rodriguez Hermy Wige Victor Bejarano Jr. iso_god30 Evan Johnson Mauro Tayden Sadler Rapheal Scott jr alyssa deaton Karma Anthony Sablan O'Marri Bridgmon Nathaniel Benavides BlindEyiezz Z Santiago Luke Christopher Felks Joel Miner Bryan Frank Flores Villarreal Matt Thurley VuKong300 Connor B okami Michael98J Abeer Nasser Alkethairi Kurtis Rasmussen Mark Thompson AliviaLee Kenzi Victor Vasquez Ueno Kuroki cool Christopher Perez Mario1702 Michael Benetto Daniel Bau Justin Hunt iamrrell Brittany venti murilo space Roberto Oliva Tim A. Andrew Engelhart jacoboblanko Raikkie Jeremy Freeman calvin duenas Jonathan Wade Hill KatlaTheKat Kerran Yannick Wittemeier Danh Ho Michael Gilbrook Akashi Seijuro Daniel Jacob Elliott Bryan Escober Alex Light Rajvind Singh Matt Alex Gardner Thiccbolli Brandon Weickel Darien Gareau Gary Pack II chase richardson SailingAndy Caine Chris Brighton Li Brandon Garber Kyle Tomaro Josh Matthews Cunav Puthur Nizzy pnut JazSmilez Rodney Tanzymore Khadia Bah Gogeta Sarah Savala DonnyK hibi J.Lewis Kris S Dmitrius Joshua Sharer-Martin Gabriel Steven slagdog Alvin Davis Honey Comb Evelyn Davalos Sabien Williams Stub Zero DJ Alborte GAM Neo Liam Ty Moen Deniz AndrewJB Christian Phouannavong Sean Martin Buddy22 applesauces David Villarreal Mohammed Bilal Monnoo Captainfly Maria Elena Ossewaarde Evolution64 Reverie The Secret Oppa Adam Drayer John O'Sullivan Bao-Thien Le Kyle486 Riley Garcia Nightcore Souls carly holgerson Dustin Duncan GUNDAM00EXIA01 Nathan McDonald Theazn306 sebastian rasch David McGowan brandon ward Eloise Dowson Anock209 David S VanBenschoten ethan Adam B Robert Haney Matt Liebowitz Alex I. Christopher Michael Porter Billy Hawkeye Cregg Riley Khalid Thomas Calvin Melvin Vruwink MrPrister Jeff The Killer Tim Braydon Vildraen Charley Feliz Henry Austin Neu U Mark Delf Jacob Taggart marco Elena Anderson Crio Miroslav Lux Van T Solain kaden J7C Neon Jay MixDJBlackRanger21 Starbrand Michael Bradbery Laluglu Zane Hayden posi Logan Sandoval SilentAntagonist_ almndj0y Eric Laynez Robin Fabimilo Marcus Sosa Addison Alexis Hernandez Richard Dalby Jackson Daniel Izzy Zarkos Pennie colin summers Daniel Cordingley Jay Menezes AngelTay james sheridan sanriokmani LizzieMcGill Brian Lund Martin Kasa Brooks Iwamoto priscilla Godinez Kelan Chris Pixel_N7 Ben Huffman Teresa Nguyen witlesscat cairn gray G.S. Productions Hachimaruu Everton Shibata Buddah Da Great Milan Iliev Will Grayj Jarrett Quon Muhammad Rahbar João Paulo Fabian Atlas The Second salty! Nivia Myles Dirschell Kitty Nathan Cardeal Daniel IMC Berserk chris vee Kyle K FernWithy Brittany Byrd Max AB Nathan Johansson Steven Valle Aperez NervousGentleWoman Eduardo Karsburg Matt Handsome Idiot Caden Harley Ruben Daniel Kevin M Conover damonlfc Cinay Santaolaya Megan xeroxlaser Naddlez Brad Brad Alan Konstantin Knopp J Zero Bryan Gannon Robert Miller ALLYSTRONG Buenos Diaz Steven Beuerlein SgtBaldor Jerry Franke Justin Hardin Calvin Vruwink Hashbrowns22 kharjet khajar Graus justintime8 Farstar Adam McCabe Ian Thomas Rees
  • I hated Boromir as a kid, but as I’ve grown up and become and adult (and especially after watching the extended editions), he’s grown to become one of my favorite characters. And that last line: “I would have followed you my brother. My captain. My king.” Gets me every time.
  • @TheFlox93
    “All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.”
  • I always love how reactors to these movies start with “oh god, a three hour movie…” and ALWAYS end with “WAIT, IT’S OVER?!”
  • @ShadowyFox_86
    I keep forgetting that part of the craziness of this story is that Frodo is one of the few Hobbits who can swim. His parents drowned. That's canonically why Bilbo takes him in. So while hes headed on this lone part of the quest, he's literally watching his closest friend about to die like his parents. He chooses to save his friend.
  • Me Watching Stranger Things: "oh my god that's Sam! I'm going to cry!" Angie Watching LoTR: "oh my god that's Bob! I'm going to cry" Divided by fandoms, united by Sean Astin's wholesomeness.
  • Viggo Mortensen is a real life badass for the following reasons: Insisted on staying in costume even when not filming, including the sword. Even got caught sleeping with the sword once. Also would hike to filming locations in costume for travel-worn authenticity. The swordsman for this movie, Bob Anderson (PotC and Princess Bride), claims he was the best swordsman has ever trained. Did all of his own stunts. Is fluent in just about every language known to man. Became the natural leader of the group on and off the set. Purchased Arwens stunt doubles horse for her when he heard it was going to be euthanized. Also bought both horses he rode in this movie and the one that came after this trilogy. Stitched a few things onto his own costume for Ranger authenticity. Has a small bow because he knew as a ranger living in the wild, Aragorn would need a hunting bow to hunt with. Literally no one else thought of that but him. Casually smacked a real dagger out of the way when it was accidentally thrown at him. Aragorn taking Boromirs arm guards was his idea. Convinced the cast to film during sunrise. All of this to say: they set out to make an awesome trilogy, and in doing so, they somehow ended up casting the real Aragorn.
  • @kirstent1244
    I have been searching for someone who actually notices how the ring does not bounce when Bilbo drops it. It's one of those scenes that give me chills because it shows just how "heavy" the ring is with power and evil. Thank you for noticing!!
  • “I would have followed you; my brother, my captain…my king.” I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve watched this trilogy and it still brings tears to my eyes.
  • @houdin654jeff
    My step dad is not a big fantasy guy. His kind of movies are ones with cars or explosions or similar. When I got the DVD of this movie back in 2001, he decided to check it out on his huge TV just to test it out. After a while, I heard him crank the volume up and was glued to it the entire time, so I came in to watch the last act with him. As Sam and Frodo headed down the hill and it faded to black, he literally exclaimed, "Don't you fucking end!" I had to explain to him that it was part one of three and the sequel was due out that December. Without missing a beat, he said, "We're going!" It became our holiday tradition to see the next LOTR for the next two years and we kept going to December releases for a while after (COVID kind of threw us off that). Enjoy The Two Towers when you get to it, know it's the middle act of a trilogy, but also know the third one is among the greatest works of cinematic magic ever crafted and is worth all the build up. Also, if THIS movie got you teary-eye... bring tissues is my advice.
  • This is legit the most perfect trilogy in film history. The amount of awards won from all three of these films and how it was basically a complete gamble that these would even have a positive outcome is amazing.
  • @ulfberht4431
    Calling Galadriel a “scary lady” is both so wrong and yet so right 🤣🤣
  • @onemondaynight
    "Speak 'friend' and enter." In the book, Gandalf realizes the answer, and remarks how the doors were built during a time of peace and trust. He had mistranslated it, as it could also have been translated "Say 'friend' and enter." There never was a secret password. There had been so much peace and goodwill for so long when the doors were made that such precautions were unnecessary, and so much evil in the thousands of years since they were made that Gandalf's thinking had been clouded, forgetting that such times existed. (Actually, Gandalf had not yet come to Middle Earth when the doors were least not in his current incarnation).
  • @Algorythmfpv
    The layered thoughts of "this is a long ass movie" along with "wait why would you end it there, there should be another hour" as well as "how did that whole four hours already pass!?" are a combination of emotions that not many people have experienced, but most feel all at the same time after the first movies' credit scene drops. lol
  • @mr.jglokta191
    "OMG it's a Wendigo!" That is my new favorite description of Gollum 🤣 Also, the 'Why is this movie 4 hours long... Wait... It's already over?' never gets old. Imagine us who had to wait a year for every movie
  • @GU5S
    Whether you know it yet or not, you nailed it when you said "everyone succumbs to the ring". Boromir, due to his circumstances, was simply the easiest target for the ring to manipulate and influence, and so he was the first of the Fellowship to try take it. Eventually they all would have though, even Aragorn. Its why when Frodo asks him "would you destroy it?" , his reply is "I WOULD have gone with you to the end. Into the very fires of Mordor". Its subtle, but "would" is the key word, as what he is saying in this moment is that he realises and feels the pull of the ring himself, ackowledges it and that Frodo must continue alone or the ring will destroy the Fellowship. Boromir was not a bad man, he was honorable and brave, but due to his unfortunate situation fell prey to the ring far quicker that the rest. Love that he goes down fighting with honour and fully redeems himself. Probably one of my favourite moments of both book and film.
  • @arklytte
    31:00 Now realize, for those of us that watched it in theaters, we had to wait a WHOLE YEAR for the next movie.
  • That crestfallen look on Gandalf's face when he hears Frodo yell, "I will take it!", always gets to me. You can see how heartbroken he is. Like most people, he doesn't want "bad things to happen to good people". And he ESPECIALLY doesn't want his friend to suffer! And he knew the second Frodo said the words, he effectively "doomed" himself. You can see ALL that in his face & it just RIPS your heart out.
  • Idk why but the fact that the first thing Boromir says to Aragorn when dying is "they took the little ones' always GETS me. It's such a punch in the gut, he's still thinking about Merry and Pippin at that moment. The male friendships are what make these movies for me. We all love the fantasy, the detail in the lore and costumes and sets, but those bonds between people, man. They'll tug at your heartstrings. Especially in 2001 when male friendships were not usually portrayed this way, it was so lovely to see these men freely cry and bond with each other. Love that you're reacting to this!
  • @georgev3433
    19:08 what’s funny is in the Book Elrond is like “hey the hobbits shouldn’t go, but Pippin REALLY shouldn’t go,” and Gandalf is the one to vouch for him.