Mini-Meditation Was in dir liebt?

Published 2022-01-14
#love #unconditional #being #Mahadevi
What loves in you?
It is the unconditional love that loves.

But unconditional love is deeply misunderstood by MANY spiritually oriented people. As long as you are at the mercy of your conditioned personality, you will misunderstand unconditional. As long as you ONLY know yourself as a limited human being, your unconditional love MUST be for the true Self, nothing and no one else!

If you unconditionally believe the craziness of your own conditioned personality, you also unconsciously trust the craziness of others. This creates a lot of suffering.

It is only through YOUR RECOGNITION of who you REALLY ARE that unconditional love is possible.

When you love unconditionally, there is no I that loves!
There is only the feeling of simply loving everything.
There is no I that loves, it is just love.
There is no I that loves, there is loving alone.
Music @Inner Healing

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