Setting the Captives Free - Drawn in By Deception? A Kingdom Spouse Story

Published 2024-01-14
God gave me permission to share my testimony about the Kingdom Spouse Trend. In This Video, I discuss how God purged/delivered me from Idolatry and Pride through this trend. This a long one but I pray that it sets your focus back on God. What the enemy meant for evil, God turned around for my good. In the same process, like Job, I was being pruned as well.

Matthew 24:24 AMP
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and they will provide great signs and wonders, so as to decieve, if possible, even the elect (God's Chosen Ones).

Always test the spirit by the spirit and be led by Holy Spirit to truth. I love you guys. My heart in this is that people do not get deceived.

Some things to mention:
I was fighting so hard with actually telling this testimony because I did not want people to think I was hurting them. I want you to understand that I am trying to help get your focus back on God. The way that He showed me this, January 11. 2024, he gave me the dream I mention in the video.
-The biblical meaning of the number 11 according to can symbolize disorder, judgment, and chaos. After having that dream and connecting the dots, it all makes sense. Move forward to what God has for you!
-I made a lot of choices based on fear, pride, and idolatry. That is led me spiraling downhill. Y'all wanna know what's crazy, my spirit stayed in confusion and was unsettled this entire time about this no matter how much I prayed about this trend.

Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

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All Comments (3)
  • I agree with you about 'Kingdom Spouse' messages. I started hearing about this last year and did not understand at all what it is and was. I asked TMH also what it was and if it was important. Listening to your testimony is my answer,thank you. As followers of Yah, we NEED to focus on Him so as His child,we will grow and receive everything for us anyway. Shalom
  • @danilaroche1156
    I wasn't looking for a relationship. I was laser focused on God. Over the last 6 years I was pursued & courted by 2 men. One in 2018. One last year. Both professing love and fidelity. Both talking marriage. Both saying they wanted to follow Jesus. I was hurt. Definitely did not idolize marriage. Any thoughts? I feel Satan sent them to hurt me. Ive had dreams about tsunamis coming to overtake me but i survived.