Serbian harp quartet 1 of 8

Published 2008-11-22

I apologize for the background chatting at the beginning of the video (only in 1st of 8th), I had a lot of issues when I tried to burn the video on a CD. I hope that you will ignore the background and enjoy these angelic sounds of harps as much as I did listening and now sharing it on YouTube; I don't know any of the names of the performers, otherwise I would be glad to give them credit for their wonderful performance. Actually, Mickeystan says that these are the names of performers : (from left to right Ljiljana Nestorovska, Milena Stanisic, Ivana Pavlovic, Dijana Sretenovic)- Belgrade's harp quarte. This is one of the most amazing concerts I've ever been to - heavenly music on Earth. The video was recorded in Studentski Grad, Belgrade, Serbia in 2005 I think. Its very relaxing especially before sleep. Music on 5-8 is my favorite part.

Srpski, Serbian:

Ovo je jedan od najboljih koncerata koji sam posetio. Imao sam privilegiju da uzivam u nebeskoj muzici u Studentskom Gradu 2005e cini mi se. Izvinjavam se zbog pricanja u pozadini na pocetku, probajte da to ignorisete i uzivate u muzici.Nadam se da cete uzivati u ovom koncertu bar koliko sam i ja uzivao slusajuci i sada deleci ga na YouTube. Nazalost, ne znam imena dama koje su svirale, inace bih stavio njihova imena i zahvalio se. Ime kvarteta je Beogradski kvartet harfi i zahvaljujuci Mickeystan-u Imena izvodjaca (s leva na desno Ljiljana Nestorovska, Milena Stanisic, Ivana Pavlovic, Dijana Sretenovic) Muzika na videu 5-8 mi je omiljena. Uzivajte,

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