Interview With David Amram - Meet My Heroes Ep. 1

Published 2024-02-29
You may not know his name, but almost every significant talent in music has been touched somehow by his gifts and presence, from Frank Sinatra to Dizzy Gilespe, Kerouac to Willie Nelson & Woody Guthrie, Allan Ginsburg to Hunter S Thomspon, Johnny Depp to Steve Martin. He’s also commanded the respect of symphonic greats like Leonard Bernstein, and John Williams. How has he had such a breadth? Well - I was once told charisma is being completely fascinated by life for no reason other than life itself - and to me, Amram is the most pure embodiment of that I’ve ever seen. His pure fascination with music, people & cultures has brightened countless lives, and pushed the envelope forward for music itself with multitudinous genre cross pollinations - from jazz with poetry, to American folk & world musics blended with symphonies. There are countless testimonials from people who have called him not only an extraordinary talent, but an extraordinary person who will take time for anyone, and treat everyone with respect, even telephone scammers as his voicemail says.

He has had an extremely diverse life through being completely fascinated with all music, people & cultures - and finding fresh and exciting ways to blend them all together. 

Yes, he’s even prioritised these things over fame and at times even security. But he is also living proof of how living honestly has its own rewards. A couple months ago, Sept 9th became officially notarized as 'David Amram Day' in New York City - which is as much a testament to his forever 18 spirit as it is to his sharp mind and extremely diverse musical contributions to thousands and thousands of people. 'The renaissance man of American music' said the Boston Globe - One of the 20 most performed composers of concert music in the US. 

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