🇷🇺 IT'S A DUMP! Reality of Life in RUSSIA (2024)

Published 2024-07-28
Does life in Russia suck? Is Russia a DUMP? A viewer left a comment on one of my previous videos writing that anywhere outside Moscow or St. Petersburg, Russia is a Dump! So I set out to explore this hypothesis by visiting the city of Chelyabinsk. A city with a population of 1 million with a booming industrial economy located approximately 1300 miles east of Moscow. Let's find out together, is russia a dump?

#russia #chelyabinsk #moscow #stpetersburg #moscowphotographer #russiaisadump #lifeinrussia #insiderussia

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All Comments (21)
  • @vladz6202
    Эти люди раньше писали, что вся Россия - помойка. Потом они начали писать, что, ладно, в Москве нормально, но это не вся Россия. Теперь они пишут, что Санкт-Петербург тоже неплох, но это не Россия. Я видел недавно комментарии, что Сочи с Казанью тоже неплохи, но это не Россия. Через 10 лет они будут писать, что Владивосток - это не Россия. Это смехотворно. А ещё есть украинское ЦИПсО, которое пишет во всех соцсетях гадости о России. А также эти тревожные укропатриоты, которые питаются ненавистью к России и не могут дня прожить, чтобы не оставить мерзкий комментарий о России
  • @vasia1392
    Это не русские, это украинцы прикидуются русским , которые участвуют в информативной войне....
  • украинские боты заполонили весь русский контент на Ютубе. Оскарбляют всех иностранцев которые делают контент на русском. Пишут им гадости.
  • Что это значит,что Москва -не Россия?Это наша столица и представляет собой все лучшее,что есть в РФ.
    The dude, who "lives in a dump" does actually live in a dump, called Ukraine.
  • Those complaining obviously have never been to the west. I've seen both and I will be moving to Russia soon with luck.
  • @Boba899
    A human being needs food, shelter, clothes to exist. Life in a village comfort-wise is better than in Moscow. Clean air, water, fresh milk, meat, fish, cheese, fruit, vegetables, eggs etc. No traffic noise, pollution. For the mind and soul there are libraries, sports grounds, rivers, lakes, forests, fields, Culture centres, internet. Shops, post office, policlinic, schools, kindergartens, car washing, repair shops. Garbage is collected by municipal organisations, petrol stations, bus, train stations. There is electricity, TV, many places have natural gas supply. If u are a messy, lazy person, an alcoholic, a miserable, jealous, mean personality , nothing will please you. If u hate yourself, you'll hate the world no matter how wonderful it is.
  • Комментарии про города-свалки пишут нерусские.
  • If that person wants a dump tell him to visit Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, London, Paris etc then see what he thinks of Russia outside of Moscow and St Petersburg. My wife's hometown is a long way from Moscow and it is far from a dump.
  • @olaolina9585
    Это русофобы пишут, которые учавствуют в информационной войне протв России
  • @Inferlogist
    If you drive along the 11th Ontario highway, you can see such unpleasant places that fans of Canada also prefer not to talk about, but there are such places in Switzerland and New Zealand, US , so saying that the whole of Russia is dump is just Russophobia.
  • A few words about "Moscow is not Russia", probably in the context that Moscow is a beautiful cover, and the rest of Russia is devastation, poverty and lack of civilization. I list all the BRICS summits in the Russian Federation: the first BRICS summit in the world was held in Yekaterinburg in 2009, then Ufa 2015, St. Petersburg 2020, in 2024 it will be in Kazan. Further about sports: The 2018 FIFA World Cup was held in addition to Moscow in Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, Kazan, Samara, Saransk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi and Yekaterinburg, 3.4 million foreigners came. The 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Formula 1 2014 in Sochi. The Future Games is the world's first international phygital sports tournament, 2 thousand participants from 116 countries, was held in 2024 in Kazan. BRICS Games 2024, more than 90 countries participated, the venue is Kazan. The XIX World Festival of Youth and Students with 25 thousand participants from 180 countries was held in 2024 in Sochi. The largest international economic forum, namely SPIEF, St. Petersburg, in 2024 it gathered a record number of participants, 21 thousand from 139 countries, for comparison, the Western analogue - Davos 2024 gathered about 2 thousand people from 120 countries. The Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, an annual international since 2015, in 2023 gathered 7 thousand people and 62 countries. I can list a lot and for a long time, but what am I getting at? And the fact is that no country in the world invites guests from all over the world to places where things are bad and unsettled, because everyone wants to show the best, and taking into account the above, it is obvious that in the Russian Federation everything is not so bad outside of Moscow, it is impossible to explain it differently. But yes, I am not idealizing, there is always something to work on and there is also unsettledness, of course, as in any large country
  • @CoyotePark
    All of those people need to view how ekaterinburg, kazan, ufa and many other cities looked 20 years ago.. it's complete night and day difference 💯
  • Where are the thousands pf homeless? If you need any ,here in the USA we have plenty!
  • Last month me and my husband visited Samara, Russian city. Such a beautiful, clean, historical city!we felt in love ❤️with Samara! By the way my husband is an American and he absolutely was amazed how beautiful Russia is. He definitely wasn’t expecting to see such beautiful country and people!
  • @ElenaN1273
    Люди, которые пишут об «ужасной нищете и грязи» или уехали из страны лет 25-30 назад или никогда здесь не жили. Спасибо за экскурсию, как всегда прекрасный репортаж получился! И да, всегда стоит помнить, что «красота в глазах смотрящего» и «свинья всегда грязь найдет»😊
  • Do not argue with such people. Doing that is just spending your precious time. As they say "свинья всегда грязь найдёт".