The Immoral Instruments

Published 2019-10-21

All Comments (21)
  • @InsaneReader
    So this video is sort of unintentionally split in 2 parts. If you want to skip ahead I’ll leave time stamps. My Origin Story with Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters TV Drama, What I thought her drama was: 1:40 The real drama, My current relationship with CC, and Dragging people who hated on me: 14:24
  • @KitAE0
    Will Byers is trying to communicate in the background.. I have no idea what he’s saying
  • @sweetperry26
    “I most definitely said something about being dauntless” LMFAO I CRIED LAUGHING
  • @lucy-wn4xe
    Lmao Cassandra Clare made fun of me in front of like 500 people in a q&a for city of heavenly fire in 2014 x i dropped something on the floor during the q&a and she felt the need to call out my little 14-year-old self and basically told me to shut up or leave :) She could clearly see that I was uncomfortable but she still felt the need to belittle a young fan x I cried outside for like 20 mins and didn’t even get my book signed because I was so embarrassed (she was also 3 hours late lmao)
  • You're telling me that out of all the ships she could've chosen-- Harry and Draco, Harry and Hermione, Hermione and Draco, Harry and Ron, Ron and Draco, Harry and Neville, Harry and Ron and Hermione, Voldemort and Umbridge-- she chose Ron and Ginny????
  • @h0tandspicy
    Plot twist: this video is just so Caleb can show us that he had a glow up
  • wouldn’t call this bullying, mostly it’s just hilarious, but way back when the show was first being announced i tweeted her some shit like “don’t worry, we’ll always love the books more than the show!” and she responded “:)” and when i went to her account the next day to show my friend i couldn’t because cassandra clare fucking blocked me LMAO
  • @natalieb3327
    The incest made me uncomfortable but I was like “A new writer just made a terrible mistake” but then I heard about the Ron and Ginny fanfic and was like 😐
  • conspiracy theory: her plan was for claire and jace being actual siblings but the publisher or maybe the public reaction made her change it. she must be so envious of george r.r martin for getting away with writing incest on mainstream 💀
  • @h0tandspicy
    Every time I hear someone talk about how bad seventh grade is I relate so much
  • @zakblack1948
    I remember there being a scene in City of Ashes or something where Jace and Clary were pining and angsting over other while they believed they were siblings and stuff and they ended up making out and basically having that moment of “I don’t care that we’re related”. The incest fetish REALLY jumped out during that scene and I remember young me being very disturbed by it and having to set the book down for a long time. Your feelings are totally valid tho.
  • @redd7293
    "In the year 2004, when I was three..." my god, I'm old
  • @stephanieb7330
    This video has such a "why we broke up" vibe and I love it. Also, those transitions have me cracking up every time 😂😂
  • @booklover0577
    "I most definitely said something abt being dauntless and that upsets me" That's so goddamn funny
  • @sevyyeter
    The transitions in this video killed me.
  • I'm actually currently writing my dissertation on how race politics influences the plot of The Shadowhunter Chronicles (and YA fiction more broadly), and during my first meeting with my dissertation supervisor she told me to be careful. She used to professionally review YA books and all of her coworkers were scared of even touching Clare's books because she's so quick to contact her lawyers lmao
  • @raccoonwarlock
    It's even worse when you learn that she wrote the og Mortal Instruments because she wanted to spite Harry/Ginny shippers during a ship war at the age of 28
  • I feel like hating on a 15-17 year-old for liking books that aren't good is just really low. Like, yeah I don't like Cassandra Clare either, but saying something like "YoU sEeM sMArT, bUt YoU LIkE CaSsAnDrA ClARe" is just rude as hell.
  • @BrendaFOBRocks
    in the draco fanfiction she paired up Narcissa and Sirius. THEY ARE ALSO RELATED. I don't get it.
  • @daisybrianna77
    Sebastian actually knew they were siblings it wasn't a plot twist for him. He was just a yucky, creepy person.