Warframe vs Star Wars. Baruuk vs Jedi & 2,000 Clones

Published 2024-06-04
I'm really enjoying this series, so trying my hand at a longer video before I cut it down to Short length.
Warframes from the game Warframe are ridiculously powerful. Even though I do these matchups randomly, pretty much picking who they go up against at random, Star Wars is a really fitting one.

Hopefully DE can hook me up so I can make more of these.

#tennocreate #gaming #starwars star

All Comments (21)
  • @MarcusVance
    I'm MVSwords on there. A few people have really helped me/this series out already, so if you want to do something similar, I wouldn't say no. Other than that, i play at weird times, so we might be able to crack a relic together... eventually!
  • @zedusan2141
    A note: Baruuk's 1 negates melee attacks too, so he could just wait for the Jedi Knight to swing, miss, and proceed to beat the shit out of him
  • @gobsmack8192
    warframes have some very scary feats in lore- Atlas punched a planet-killing asteroid to smithereens, gauss outruns bullets and his own sound barrier, wisp opens a portal to the sun, protea can reverse time, the list goes on.
  • @pleolin8125
    The daggers actually reduce the damage he takes and permanently disarms the enemies. Barukk’s only limit is that he can’t use his fist form until he gets provoked enough.
  • @Wizinja
    Also Baruuk has a mod that changes the element of his fisticuffs to whatever the enemy is weak against. So theres that.
  • @JustMcKenzie
    The way my I see the fight ending in my headcannon, the jedi knight makes a sacrifice play to drop the shields, only for the padawan's lightsaber to bounce off the warframe... A rather rude way to find out about the sheild gating that every warframe has.
  • @siennaistrans
    baruuk is literally so enlightened he has the equivalent of "the force 2™"
  • @RexRagerunner
    The things you forgot to mention: - His 1 not only makes bullets pass through him, but melee hits to pass through him aswell even though because of in game reasons melee hits damage him anyways because of hitbox stuff. - His 2 aside from making people sleep, also gives the affected people amnesia which means when they wake up they will forget that they ever saw Baruuk which makes him unkillable since if he's ever come close to losing he will just put people to sleep and escape and since people will forget about him when they wake up, they won't chase either. - His 3 daggers don't only deal damage but also knock the weapons out of peoples hands. In game this only affects ranged weapons, forcing enemies into melee but in lore it affects all types of weapons. - His 4 gauntlets literally summon a desert wind with each hit, so not only it does AOE but it also does push/pull/knockup/knockdown depending on whatever combo youre using. - His passive gives him a Restraint meter. 1,2,3 empties this meter while 4 fills this meter. The emptier this meter is, the more damage reduction he gains, so the more people around him, the more people he will put to sleep or more bullets he dodges, the faster this meter will drop. He can basically constantly knock the light sabers out of the Jedi's hands constantly making them pull their lightsabers back with a force pull while he is tearing into the clones, he can become a sand image so nothing hits him, he can kill groups of people by constantly pulling/pushing them or knocking up/down them constantly.
  • @MarcusVance
    Gotta get Warframe to help me out with this series... Though a few people have already given me Prime parts or Gifted entire 'frames. That's been incredibly appreciated.
  • @dansherman1980
    “Atlas summons earth to be around him. That’s difficult to beat.” That’s not counting the rubble he picks up.
  • @andyblizzard
    Remember that every tenno also have a choice of several Archwings, Necramechs and private Railjack battle spaceship. Basically, one warframe can take on a small fleet of 40k origin. And a large Star Wars fleet... Or two. xD
  • One fun thing I'd recommend for any future Warframe videos is each Warframe has signature weapons. I think it would be a fun mix up to have those specifically thrown in the mix instead of just saying they could use any weapon
  • @luther1173
    Could I gift you gauss as a bribe to cover him next
  • I love this, and yeah it is very difficulty to scale warframes against other fictional armies. When you have warframes that can spread contagion to anti-matter and everything in between it gets crazy. This new warframe, Dante, is absolutely nuts.
  • Also all of this is ignoring that warframes have revive systems built in. So like even if they die; they can at least, be brought back quite a few times. Also certain warframes can just refuse to die, revenant my beloved.
  • @lagartopunkarra
    If you see Warframe lore and their powers, it gets really crazy and other worlds would have a really hard time defeating a Warframe. Examples: - Atlas punched a world ending asteroid into basically dust - Gauss can outrun sound itself - Grendel can eat anything, like literally EAT ANYTHING - Octavia can kill you by literally throwing a rave party - Wisp can open a portal inside the Sun and throw its radiation to you - Limbo controls a whole alternate dimension - Nova can cover you in antimatter and deatomize you - Saryn is basically a violation to the Geneva Convention by herself - Kullervo can teleport to you and attack you with the heaviest of melee hits
  • @TheLunarDawn
    Pretty sure nothing is going to take even an inch of Baruuk's fist, much less 6-inches. Especially considering that nearly all viable Baruuk builds run an ability augment called Reactive Storm, allowing Desolate Hands to adapt to enemy weaknesses, negating any possible enemy resistances they had prior to engagement. Off the top of my head, the augment would only be at a disadvantage against other Warframes; specifically, against proto-shields which take neutral damage from all sources with no weakness or resistance.
  • @virutech32
    Ok but radiotoxic fists is ridiculous. Im imagining a rocksalt-type shotgun round filled with super hot☢️ soluble polonium/cesium salt.
  • @Zelmel
    At the end there talking about frame powers, there's also ones that can straight up absorb damage taken into a blast outward (Garuda) or that can just straight-up become invincible barring various types/amounts/time of damage (Rhino, Inaros, Nezha). Outside of that, and full-on area murder machines like Saryn, you've got things like Titania that can shrink, fly, and do insane damage with both inherent guns and passive things, and berserker frames like Valkyr that could probably solo kill a company of Space Wolves assuming the right build (long duration, good power mostly) because while berserk they're literally impossible to damage.
  • To be fair, the Jedi wouldn’t be affected by Baruuk’s sleep ability because they are resistant to mind tricks. And they could MAYBE block his fist-wave attack (again, MAYBE, depending on the individual). They also are just as fast as a Warframe if we use the Legends universe. But yes, the Baruuk would still win.