r/rollercoasterjerk Designs a Coaster

Published 2021-12-01
Over the past month, the RCJ subreddit has built a roller coaster. I have done my best to recreate it in full in Planet Coaster. It has 25 distinct elements, 12,359 ft of track, and the ride experience is 8:39 long. I did my best to keep the forces realistic, with the exception of a few elements where it was just not possible. I spent way too much time on this.

Here is the Steam workshop link to the park: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=267…

Read more on my RCJ post here: www.reddit.com/r/rollercoasterjerk/comments/r6r6f7…

I chose to color each of the elements based on a real-life roller coaster that contains the element, or could feasibly contain the element. Linked here is the full list: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11XNCZ1TTmJQA8T03Km…

Check here for the full list of elements and the people who participated. Thanks for everyone who submitted and /u/YamperIsBestBoy for coordinating the selection! www.reddit.com/r/rollercoasterjerk/comments/r5nag7…

Full list of elements:

Element one: An unreliable Intamin Hydraulic Launch (u/Coaster02)

Element two: Trims (u/dawgebredd)

Element three: 200 ft lift hill with a cutout of Alan Schilke (u/Roastology)

Element four: The Shed (u/AnimEthan_Gaming)

Element five: Non-inverting Inline Twist (u/TheKingFlamingo)

Element six: Pegasus’ final turn (u/snakesyafilthyanimal)

Element seven: 69 consecutive ejector airtime hills designed by our lord and saviour Taylor Boobie (u/Kyle_MoriceDaBoi)

Element eight: On ride hot sauce packet dispenser (u/Thiccboijones114)

Element nine: A station where everyone gets off the train followed by another station where they get back on (u/rolled_goats)

Element ten: bobsled section (u/mr-elephant-oof)

Element 11: a banner that just says “element 11” (u/rolled-goats)

Element 12: A trick track double up into a trick track double down followed by a trick track into a 4 G constant helix with a trick track in the middle of the helix followed by a trick track airtime hill. I have named this wild element the trick track double up into a trick track double down followed by a trick track into a 4 G constant helix with a trick track in the middle of the helix followed by a trick track airtime hill (u/husky2997)

Element 13: 30 seconds of straight track with audio of eltororyan explaining block zones (u/SpicySaltShaker)

Element 14: A vertical loop in the shape of Wisconsin (u/CactusCoffee)

Element 15: The train derails and blows up and you get a notification that 36 people have died in a crash (u/ellisfetus)

Element 16: An airtime hill covered completely in trim brakes (u/inklingdude003)

Element 17: A show scene where a voice starts reading your search history over the park PA system before a drop track drops you out of her DMs (u/RobertTheHaunter)

Element 18: The entirely of the Smiler but with bad ArrowDynamics transitions (u/RealElectriKing)

Element 19: Double inverting tilt track (u/FlashyFenix)

Element 20: The dick loop (vertical loop followed by a top hat followed by another vertical loop) (u/exgameo1)

Element 21: chain lift with audio of Airtime Thrills saying how much of a buzzkill it is (u/RrevinEvann)

Element 22: a 200 ft lift hill but it’s B&M predrops all the way down (u/CactusCoffee)

Element 23: an ordinary drop with no wacky characteristics whatsoever (u/Gforce1410)

Element 24: the uneven track into the station from twisted timbers (u/62Tuffy2199)

Element 25: the ride valleys (u/AnimEthan_Gaming)

All Comments (21)
  • @neil7688
    This is absolutley the most rollercoaster ever
  • @AychSkwaird
    Hey, u/YamperIsBestBoy here I’m unironically very happy right now. I never thought that design a coaster was going to pick up and watching this very well made POV makes me feel so happy. Thanks so much. 🤙
  • @ry06
    The block zone section had me dying 🤣
  • @ChiefBlueScreen
    I don't like daily spam on subreddits, but this was worth it
  • this coaster and all the posts leading up to it is something I'm going to recount to my grandkids someday, it's that epic
  • The heights of effort in this shitpost astounds me. I spent the entire ride waiting for the 200ft drop consisting only of B&M pre-drops, and my god did you deliver by referencing every pre-drop in existence.
  • @brokethemorning
    every other PlanCo coaster creator can go home - this is absolute perfection my dude
  • @62Trevor2199
    glad my twisted timbers suggestion was completely overshadowed by the best element immediately after it, I wouldn’t have it any other way
  • @JumpinSkiing
    this is a modern work of art can i have the nft
  • @Spacek531
    Choosing Space Mountain as the block brakes section was divine.
  • @chevyeye8663
    I'm just happy that one of my elements made it into the ride
  • @Ewitshim
    This is the new generations Millennium Force.