《角頭不歸路》20歲吳明達槍殺前北聯幫主!一生進出監獄「今遭誰槍擊」?/唐重生為愛金盆洗手「繳槍自首」卻慘被狙殺...曾嘆踏入黑幫一輩子難回頭!【@ebcapocalypse |洪培翔】

Published 2024-07-11
20-year-old Wu Mingda shot and killed the former Beilian gang leader! Having been in and out of prison all his life, "Who was shot by now?" / Tang Zhengsheng washed his hands of his love for Jinpen and "surrendered" but was tragically killed by a sniper... He once lamented that it would be difficult to turn back after joining a gang!

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