IS BEING TRANS "UNNATURAL"??? - reacting to transphobic comments

Published 2024-03-23

All Comments (10)
  • @corvusventorum
    all of this was very eloquently spoken. nice work, bro.
  • @effloress
    People are completely at ease with gender affirming care and procedures as long as it's for cis-gendered people (breast implants, "mommy make-overs", hormonal birth control, beard implants, etc) all of which are "unnatural". But as soon as those seeking the very same gender-affirming care and procedures are transgender...those previously at ease people begin foaming at the mouth in outrage. As you said, there is absolutely no point in arguing with or engaging with creatures such as this - they will never change their minds and are incapable of critical thought. Imagine being so void of purpose in life that you actively seek to harass strangers which you find "unnatural" or otherwise unsavory. I currently do not have access to the choice to transition and am only truly out in online spaces. So I thank you for creating a space where I (and many other) trans people can exist in authenticity, even if only as a blip in the comments section such as this. Also, within the end point of your video where you say "you can be 50, you can be 60, you can be 70, it's never too late" straight up made my body seize up. I'm currently 30 - and often feel that yes, it IS too late for me. My age is often something tossed in my face whenever I try and talk about wanting to medically transition. So this validation holds significant meaning for me. My body and my life have never truly belonged to me, and only now at my Big Age am I trying to seize myself from the depths of all those years lost to bartering my Self to survive via the imitation I've played with "being" a woman. "I can survive as a woman, but I can only truly LIVE as a man." Hearing that it isn't too late for me reminds me that I deserve more than just survival...I deserve a life, a life lived. I apologize for this mini-essay!
  • @Thestuffdoer
    People usually misuse the “you’ll never be a real woman/man” phrase because they don’t understand that “trans [insert gender]” means they identify with said gender. They think that the gender in “trans [gender]” is the birth/assigned gender, which is honestly funny, it should be common sense that the label would make the person who is trans feel comfortable. Anyways it seems like you’re doing well at not listening to those comments and taking them to heart. Good job, and fair well!
  • @neisseri
    I couldn't even tell that you were transgender. Nice work.
  • @justmax14
    First I'm really against all the trans community because I think the only way to be trully happy is to accept and embrace your reality, which is your real gender, the one you were assigned when you were born. But, despite that, it would be cool to see a video where you talk about your experience when you were little, (min 8:26) you said you "came out" at 12, and as a straight hererosexual man I actually don't know what you mean by that. I'm not writting this from a place of hate, please don't take it like that. I just think the way of hapiness is to accept who you are, who you trully are. Wish you nothing but the best.
  • @fallyn2920
    Personally i do feel being trans in the active form is unnatural. Since we're making the body do things its not naturally suited for. We use synthetic hormones to cause these effects. We cut away healthy tissues to cure a psychological distress. Since this distress is strong enough to cause us to desire amputation of otherwise perfectly healthy limbs i think its not a shame to call it a mental illness or an affliction or condition at least. Its a severe and irreversible treatment for a very serious condition insofar impervious to any other tried treatment. Yet to me it doesnt erase my male past and present. Its what ive got to work with and im not inclined to agree with people claiming people are us are just like the cis. This may all seem deeply negative but i chose to stay rooted and radically accept al my aspects as a person. Im doing unnatural things and am a statistically speaking abnormal person. None of this disqualifies me nor anyone else like me, such as yourself as being a worthy and respectable person. I know there is stigma to some of those words, but sod it. If someone calls me a man, well yeah i partly still am. If im a woman thats great. I found this line of thinking to have made me more able to convert a hater into neutral person and making me less vulnerable in general. I want to own what i am. Not that im boasting about being trans but if asked its not a secret. Its liberating ❤
  • @getthekool1758
    Hey, just some sincere questions here. Why do accept being tagged as "trans", since you are a human being? Do you guys have ever realized that this term was brought from genetic manipulation of laboratory animals, plants and vegetables? Sorry, to me it is natural to be gay, not by being influenced by social media trends, of course, but having some real differentiation in your body, mind, etc. Also I think this is a huge lack of respect calling human beings just like this. "Transgenic organisms are generated in the laboratory for research purposes". Also, why the medical stablishment are eager to make young people to go into unnecesary agressive surgeries and medication, when all you should do is start receiving profesional psychological help in order to adress internal conflicts and work in order to make gender disphoria disappear, also working on acceptance instead of pushing irreversible surgeries? What if you regret and do not adapt in a masculine world. I have seen many girls regretting and feeling alone having to integrate in a masculine way of living, which was not like what they thought it would be. You are loved. Wish you all the best. Take care!