Beautiful Britain

Published 2013-04-30
You might not know it, but we Brits live in the most diverse and beautiful Island archipelago on the planet. Steeped in history and draped in myths and legends, nowhere else in the world contains such a wide variety of landscape packed into such a relatively small geographical area. Many of us simply do not realize how lucky we are to live amidst such beauty. This is my Britain

All Comments (14)
  • I spent a month recently in Britain in an american study abroad program, the places we saw were the most breathtaking and awe inspiring. Every square inch of Britannia is graced with fields of gold that stretch farther than the eye can see, and in the distance, made mystic by fog, there are beautiful structures that have stood the test of time, cathedrals that were built during the time of the Norman kings 900 years ago. You sense the history, a heritage that stretches back thousands of years. It makes me wish my ancestors never stepped on the ship at Liverpool.
  • @saxon954
    I could not and would not wish to live anywhere else on this planet. It is not just about the scenery though, it is also the inherent good manners and decency of the majority of the people who live here that make this land in all its diversity so great.
  • @martinevans7090
    Wow! It's easy to be a bit blase about how beautiful Britain is when you live over here. I mean, to us it's just... there, we're used to it. I drive through countryside on my way to work every morning that would make Americans go all weak at the knees but to me it's just the same old boring commute!
  • @mhs014
    Uhh my teacher showed this in class and we weren’t expecting the you know what
  • @jag5470
    Ever thought of going into the city's? It's terrible in a lot of places
  • @teaguetjv2555
    I thought it was a video. But hey ho, beautiful either way/