Top Ten Worst Konami FAILS

Published 2019-01-03

All Comments (21)
  • I absolutely LOVE how Kojima got back at Konami attempting to take his name off the box art of MGS5, by leaving his name literally all over the game itself. Every single mission in the game starts with credits, saying it was made by Hideo Kojima. Priceless!!
  • When Katsura Hashino said he’s finished with the Persona franchise, Atlus actually respected his wishes and allowed him full creative freedom to work on whatever he’s passionate about Yet when Kojima said he’s done with Metal Gear franchise, Konami keeps forcing him to work on sequels and treated him like total crap....
  • So, Konami...about that last item on the list. Let's human rights law violations...
  • @koopadude1
    With how Konami treated Metal Gear, I don’t know how lucky we are that Solid Snake is back in Smash Bros.
  • @AJGuineaPig
    Konami: Fails miserably Kojima: Sips piping hot tea
  • Nintendo: Did you just turn Castlevania into a gambling machine? Konami: Yeah. So? Nintendo: That's against the rules. Konami: SCREW THE RULES! I HAVE MONEY!
  • The ‘Ex-Kon’ situation sounds like breaking up a relationship with a very controlling and possessive partner who tries to hunt you down and saying that “it’s changed” and “wants you back” in “its life” but what it really means is the “you’re done when I say you’re done” B.S.
  • @kurisu7885
    Konami didn't "lose" Kojima, they made an active effort to try to erase him from the video game industry as a whole and even had him blacklisted from events and interviews, but just like the Techno, the Grunge, the Pop, Punk-Rock, and New-wave tried to do to The Metal, hahah, THEY FAILED, as he rose again to grace all with his genius, or his insanity, whichever.
  • @Nazo-kage
    16:54 The funny thing is thanks to Konami’s obsession with getting rid of PT, it showed gamers everywhere the downside of digital only gaming. Konami essentially showed that it doesn’t matter if you own something if it’s not on a disk A game creating company could get rid of it at any time they want to.
  • To misquote Harry Truman; "Once a government (or company) is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures".
  • Worst part is, it doesn't help that companies like Nintendo and Netflex actually treat their IPs with more respect then Konami ever did, I mean we got Simon and Richter Belmont and plus Snake ended up returning for Smash Ultimate and Dracula's Castle got a whooping 34 music tracks and most of them are actually remixes, plus we got the Castlevania animated series which was amazing.
  • @godofdarknes
    Fun fact: the reason the silent hill collection is such a mess is because Konami actually LOST some the old code needed to program the originals and port it, losing it over time. Which is why they also didn't patch it. After all, how can you fix a game when you don't have the f*****g source code to fix with.
  • In my book at least Konami blacklisting employees is worse than EA underpaying employees. With EA there’s at least hope that you can leave and get a job elsewhere. With Konami that hope is gone as you’ll have to go to an entirely different industry to have any hope. And punishing employees with certain jobs sounds like it could count as a labor law violation in some part of the world. And the blacklisting sounds like it’s definitely illegal somewhere.
  • @a.f.watcher8898
    Yeah say what you want about Capcom, they’ve been for the most part turning themselves around. But I hope Konami’s current leaders end up penniless, alone, and forgotten.
  • @Cure_Hana
    At least Capcom was able to create an interesting spiritual successor to P.T. with Resident Evil 7.
  • @Goblin_Hands
    They also fired David Hayter, the iconic voice of the Snakes.
  • Konami is one of the reasons on why i wish the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5 were real. They've gone too far and someone needs to stop them and put an end to all of this.
  • @amirgarcia547
    The biggest? Firing Kojima, the one thing keeping their company relevant, as Projared said. And canceling PT as well as a result, one of the most praised and hyped horror games of recent memory. And now you can’t even get the demo anymore... :{
  • @argonaut640
    RIP Hudson Soft 1973-2012 Cause of death: Absorbed by Konami and merged into Konami Digital Entertainment Creators of: Bomberman Series, Adventure Island Series, Bonk Series, Mario Party 1-DS, That one weird fighting game with Optimus Prime
  • @RomLoneWolf23
    Anyone get the feeling Konami is being run by the Yakuza at this point?